You'd need the WAVE browser extension for this test
Test 1& Test 2
Log in as admin
Create a course and enrol 2 students in it
Create a quiz, an assignment and a forum in the course
Go to the grade book (Grades) of the course and access to the "Single view" tab
Select a student from the 'Select user...' drop-down menu
View source of the page (usually ctrl+u)
Copy the source
Set the check by field to 'text input' and replace the content of the text editor with what you copied on step #7
Press the 'check' button
Press the 'message filtering' button
Verify that you don't see any errors
Repeat the test, but at step 5, select an activity from the 'Select grade item' drop-down menu
Test 3 & Test 4
Log in as admin and visit the course you created at test 1
Go to the grade book (Grades) and access to the "Single view" tab
Select a student from the 'Select user...' drop-down menu
Press the WAVE icon on your browser
Verify that you do not see any:
'Empty form label' error
'Multiple form labels' error
'Empty table header' error
Repeat the test, but at step 3, select an activity from the 'Select grade item' drop-down menu