Resolution: Fixed
MDL-68563-master -
As a student/teacher, I want to easily be able to add emojis, links and videos to my entries so that I can create posts and content that will be more enjoyable for my audience.
Currently the below 4 filters are automatically enabled:
- Display H5P
- MathJax
- Activity names auto-linking
- Multimedia plugins
This means that emoticons aren't automatically converted to images, URLs not converted to links and youtube links aren't automatically converted to videos, in places like forum quick replies. This is what people are used to and expect nowadays.
Update the filters that are enabled by default to:
- Display H5P
- MathJax
- Activity names auto-linking
- Display emoticons as images (moodle auto-format, html and markdown ON)
- Convert URLs into links and images (moodle auto-format, html and markdown ON)
- Multimedia plugins
Also update the atto toolbar to include the emoji picker by default (highlighted in bold below):
collapse = collapse
style1 = title, bold, italic
list = unorderedlist, orderedlist
links = link
files = emojipicker, image, media, recordrtc, managefiles, h5p
style2 = underline, strike, subscript, superscript
align = align
indent = indent
insert = equation, charmap, table, clear
undo = undo
accessibility = accessibilitychecker, accessibilityhelper
other = html