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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-68797

Config setting for mobile file type exclusion list


    • MDL-68797-master
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      1. Log in as admin
      2. Navigate to Site administration -> Mobile App -> Mobile settings
      3. Tick "Enable web services for mobile devices" if it is not already ticked
      4. Navigate to Site administration -> Mobile app -> Mobile features
        1. Confirm that you see a "File type exclusion list"
      5. Search for "css"
      6. Select both ".css (text/css)" and ".scss (text/x-scss)"
      7. Download the attached test.php
      8. In your Terminal run test.php:

        php test.php

      9. In the output locate the tool_mobile_filetypeexclusionlist section
        1. Confirm that it matches the following*:

                      [18] => stdClass Object
                              [name] => tool_mobile_filetypeexclusionlist
                              [value] => css,scss

          Note: The number 18 may differ

      Log in as admin Navigate to Site administration -> Mobile App -> Mobile settings Tick "Enable web services for mobile devices" if it is not already ticked Navigate to Site administration -> Mobile app -> Mobile features Confirm that you see a "File type exclusion list" Search for " css " Select both " .css (text/css) " and " .scss (text/x-scss) " Download the attached test.php In your Terminal run test.php: php test.php In the output locate the tool_mobile_filetypeexclusionlist section Confirm that it matches the following*: [18] => stdClass Object ( [name] => tool_mobile_filetypeexclusionlist [value] => css,scss ) Note: The number 18 may differ

      This is the moodle core component of MOBILE-3432.

      We will add a new setting to the Site administration > Mobile app > Mobile features admin screen. This setting will take the form of an autocomplete element, which allows a list of file MIME types to be set, for sending to the app. (I'm not sure if there is already an admin_setting subclass for an autocomplete field? If not this might need to be created along similar lines to MoodleQuickForm_autocomplete).

      The source of file types that can be searched for in the autocomplete field will be the list returned by core_filetypes::get_types(), so admins can search for filetypes by extension, mime type or name. This means the searchable list will default to the types defined core_filetypes::get_default_types(), and additional types can be defined using tool_filetypes.

        1. image-2020-09-09-16-58-08-937.png
          54 kB
          Janelle Barcega
        2. test.php
          2 kB
          Andrew Lyons

            tiennguyenphuc Tien Nguyen
            marxjohnson Mark Johnson
            Sam Marshall Sam Marshall
            Andrew Lyons Andrew Lyons
            Janelle Barcega Janelle Barcega
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue


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