Create a new user
Navigate to site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Define roles
Create a new role with:
No archetyle
Contexts: System
Capabilities: mod/h5pactivity:reviewattempts
Navigate to site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Assign system roles
Assign the new user to the role
Enable webservices in site advanced features
create a new external webservice
Edit the web service
Ensure that the "Enable" checkbox is ticked
Save changes
Click on the "Functions" link for the service
add mod_h5pactivity_get_user_attempts function to it
Save changes
Navigate to site administration -> Plugins -> Web services -> External tokens
Create a new token for the user against the new service
Create a course
Add h5pactivity to a course
enrolL 3 users (with names Jake A, Bake B, Cake C)
Add 2 attempts for user 1, 1 attempt for user 2 for h5pactivity
Open the database and find the new activityid:
select id from mdl_h5pactivity order by id desc limit 1;
Call the webservice:
curl 'http://YOURMOODLE/webservice/rest/server.php?moodlewsrestformat=json&wstoken=WSTOKEN&wsfunction=mod_h5pactivity_get_user_attempts&h5pactivityid=H5PACTIVITYID' | python -m "json.tool"
Ensure result has following structure
"activityid" : 4 ,
"usersattempts" : [
"userid" : 5 ,
"attempts" : [
"id" : 3 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 5 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124755 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124755 ,
"attempt" : 1 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 4 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"scored" : {
"title" : "Highest score attempt" ,
"grademethod" : "1" ,
"attempts" : [
"id" : 3 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 5 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124755 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124755 ,
"attempt" : 1 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 4 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"userid" : 19 ,
"attempts" : []
"userid" : 42 ,
"attempts" : [
"id" : 1 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 42 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124674 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124674 ,
"attempt" : 1 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 8 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"id" : 2 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 42 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124724 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124725 ,
"attempt" : 2 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 4 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"scored" : {
"title" : "Highest score attempt" ,
"grademethod" : "1" ,
"attempts" : [
"id" : 2 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 42 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124724 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124725 ,
"attempt" : 2 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 4 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"warnings" : []
Ensure it returns info for 3 users (you can see all userids)
Ensure User 1 has 2 attempts, User 2 has 1 attempt and User 3 has no attempts returned
Call a webservice with firstname filter:
curl 'http://YOURMOODLESITE/webservice/rest/server.php?moodlewsrestformat=json&wstoken=YOURTOKEN&wsfunction=mod_h5pactivity_get_user_attempts&h5pactivityid=H5PACTIVITYID&firstinitial=L' | python -m "json.tool"
Ensure only user 1 is returned
Ensure result has following structure
"activityid" : 4 ,
"usersattempts" : [
"userid" : 42 ,
"attempts" : [
"id" : 1 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 42 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124674 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124674 ,
"attempt" : 1 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 8 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"id" : 2 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 42 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124724 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124725 ,
"attempt" : 2 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 4 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"scored" : {
"title" : "Highest score attempt" ,
"grademethod" : "1" ,
"attempts" : [
"id" : 2 ,
"h5pactivityid" : 4 ,
"userid" : 42 ,
"timecreated" : 1608124724 ,
"timemodified" : 1608124725 ,
"attempt" : 2 ,
"rawscore" : 0 ,
"maxscore" : 13 ,
"duration" : 4 ,
"completion" : 1 ,
"success" : 0 ,
"scaled" : 0
"warnings" : []