New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
MDL-69549-master-7 -
International 4.0 - Sprint 5, International 4.0 - Sprint 6, International 4.0 - Sprint 7
API details
The proposed API for course export is a part of a new API for content.
The content API will include features for:
- identifying, locating, and controlling access of files within a component, or subsystem, which are a part of the File Storage API, or are served via one of the pluginfile.php endpoints (
MDL-66006/ MDL-69708) - identifying, locating, and describing text areas within Moodle; and
- exporitng content stored within a component, or subsystem.
The new API will be the content API, and will not be a subsystem as it is expected to become more and more integral to parts of Moodle.
All core classes will be located in the core\content namespace, with subsystems and components placing their code and extensions of this API in [frankenstyle_component]\content.
The Content Export API will be located within the core\content\export namespace, and with subsystems and components placing their code and extensions of this API in [frankenstyle_component]\content\export.
API Components
The API is made up of several core component types:
- The zipwriter, located in core\content\export\zipwriter is a wrapper around the ZipStream\ZipStream library and adds additional functionality and business logic related specifically to the export of content. It also includes helpers to add all pluginfiles which relate to a textarea, rewriting the @@PLUGINFILE@@ references in that textarea to point to the exported files.
- Exporters, located in core\content\export\exporters are the classes which perform the work of collecting all relevant content together, and adding it to the zipwriter for a given context;
- Exportable Items, located in core\content\export\exportable_items and extending the abstract core\content\export\exportable_item class are helpers which describe the content being exported and prepare it for export. These cover cases such as the export of a single stored_file object, all stored_file instances within a specific filearea in the file_storage API, and the ecport of a text field within the database. These exportable_items allow an indivdual component (subsystem or plugin) to describe in an abstract way the content that they include. Each exportable item additionally includes the logic to actually add the content it describes to the zipwriter archive.
- Items which have been exported, located in core\content\export\exported_item which provide a generic way for a component to describe what was exported in such a way that can be used for a human-readable HTML file. This includes features such as a title, shown to the user, a list of files, and any string content (typically a text field like a description) that relates to the exported item.
This API is designed to support the export of course content including activities. At a sutiable time in the future it would be possible to extend it to support the export of blocks within a course, and other parts of the site, including course categories, or any other arbitrary context.
The exporters included in core\content\export\exporters as standard include:
- The abstract component_exporter which all other exporters must extend.
It includes helpers used to fetch the context being exported, the name of the component being exported, and the zipwriter.
It also includes helpers to export a set of exportable items.
It describes a get_exportables() function which, by default, returns an empty array. - The abstract mod_instance_exporter, which extends the abstract component_exporter, and is intended to be extended by activities implementing the API.
For example, the mod_page component defines the mod_page\content\exporter which extends the mod_instance_exporter.
This class adds helpers for fetching the cm_info and activity name. - The mod_exporter which is used to export generic data which is defined in core.
This is required as the "intro" feature of activities is not an instance feature, but a part of of the general API for activities.
For an activity support the intro field, it just has to declare that it supports the feature and core handles the rest.
This class does not define its own list of exportables, but rather takes in the list of exportables from an activity and handles their export.
It is a feature of the core\content\export API itself, and is not a part of the public API. It is declared final and cannot be extended. It is only called by the core API.
Essentially the calling code would look a little like the following:foreach ($contexts as $context) {
$component = get_component_from_context($context); // Some made up function to get the mod_[name] from an activity context.
$exportables = [];
// Fetch the exportables that the activity instance defines.
$classname = component_exporter::get_classname_for_component($component);
if (class_exists($classname)) {
$exporter = new $classname($context, $component, $user, $archive);
$exportables = $exporter->get_exportables();
// Pass to the core mod_exporter to handle the remaining export.
$modexporter = new \core\content\export\exportables\mod_exporter($context, $component, $user, $archive);
The export_exportables function is responsible for fetching the module intro, should the activity support it, adding all exportable content defined in the activity to the zipwriter, and generating a human-readable module index within the zip archive.
- The course_exporter, which is used to export a whole course.
Again this is not a part of the public API, and only called by core\content itself.
It does not return anything in the get_exportables() function but defines an export_course function which takes a list of all contexts which were successfully included in the export.
This function adds the course index to the zip stream, which includes all course sections, and links to each activity within the course.
Where an activity was included in the downloaded content, all links to the activity point to the module index created by the module_exporter.
Where an activity was not included in the downloaded content, links will point to the live site. This will be used in the future to support cases where a specific activity has been configured to not be exported. This allows the course structure to remain and all data to be shown in context, but for those activities not exported to point to the live site instead.
Course module exporters
Any individual activity/course module can define its own exporter.
Those included in this patch are for:
- mod_page - to export the Content part of a Page activity;
- mod_folder - to export all files and folders within the activity; and
- mod_resource - to export the single file within the activity.
Each activity extends the core\content\export\exporters\mod_instance_exporter class, must override the get_exportables function, and have that function return a list of exportable_item instances.
Exportable items
Exportable items are used to describe all content to be exported in an abstract and simplified way so as to reduce duplication across the codebase.
All content is exported as either Text, or a collection of Files. No other types are supported or expected at this time.
Three standard item types are defined in core, but where these do not fit a component is able to write its own exportable_item type.
Most activities will likely export an exportable_textarea, which takes a table name, field name, and row ID.
For text areas which can have files embedded it also takes an optional filearea, and itemid which are used to fetch the file from the File Storage API, and an optional pluginfileitemid which is the itemid used in the /pluginfile.php/ URL.
When adding to the archive, all files in the filearea/itemid will be added to the zip archive. As each file is added, the content will be rewritten to find any use of @@PLUGINFILE@@ in the text which relates to that specific file, and rewrite it to point to the version stored in the zip archive.
After all files have been exported and the content is rewritten, any remaining uses of @@PLUGINFILE are rewritten to point to the live site, using the tokenpluginfile.php endpoint which allows viewing without requiring a current login.
For activities which purely export files, two additional types have been defined:
- the exportable_stored_file, which allows for a single file to be exported; and
- the exportable_filearea, which allows for all files within a filearea/itemid combination for a specific component + context combination to be exported
Exported items
In order that exported content can be adequately described in a human-readable format, all exported content must be described in an exported_item.
This includes a Title, any string content, and two lists of files. It is consumed by the course_exporter and mod_exporter to create template data used in the Mustache templates.
- blocks
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- Closed
- will help resolve
MDL-69535 User story: As a student/teacher I can bulk-download course materials so I can access them offline for study or reference purposes
- Closed
MDL-69536 User story: As a student/teacher I can explore the downloaded zip-file with course materials on my computer So I can easily navigate the downloaded content
- Closed