New Feature
Resolution: Duplicate
International 4.0 - Sprint 5, International 4.0 - Sprint 6
The plan for this project is to add a single option to either:
- the course settings menu (for teachers); or
- instead of the course settings cog if there is no menu (for students).
Need to confirm how this behaves on theme_classic too.
After selecting the download option, a modal will open to confirm the download:
Need to confirm whether we can easily tell the size of the downloaded content - this may need an additional call adding to the coursecontentexport\exporter API.
Need to respect both the course + site settings (MDL-69559, MDL-69561) and user capability to download content.
New capability:
Name: moodle/course:downloadcontentexport
Captype: read
contextlevel: course
archetype: student + teacher + editingteacher + manager = allow
- duplicates
MDL-69559 Course content download - add site admin and course level settings, implement in course user interface
- Closed
- will help resolve
MDL-69537 Optional User story: As a teacher I can enable / disable the bulk-download feature in my course So that I maintain a higher level of control over the distribution of course materials
- Open
MDL-69538 User story: As an administrator I can enable / disable the bulk-download feature So that I can control this functionality at a site level
- Open
MDL-69535 User story: As a student/teacher I can bulk-download course materials so I can access them offline for study or reference purposes
- Closed