Resolution: Fixed
3.9.2, 3.10.1, 3.11, 4.0
MDL-70093-master -
When writing a row PDF dataformat calculates the height here:
It fails when some cell is big enough to go to the next page, as `$pdf2->getY()` returns Y for the current (read `last`) page, but not the cell height.
There are not many places in the moodle core that use pdf dataformat, so in order to provide this screenshot I put
return "The user with id '$this->userid' viewed the log report for the course with id '$this->courseid'. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim ei impetus referrentur definitiones, duo ei quem repudiare dissentiunt. Duo ad choro volutpat quaerendum, erat posse alienum per ne. Nulla ceteros definitionem ne has, an ubique voluptatibus eum. Sea ei simul soluta signiferumque, has no illud atqui oportere. Saperet detraxit mnesarchum eos eu. Ea tempor corpora epicurei eam, ea modo sint reprehendunt sea, usu ex dicam impetus."; |
Update: This can be easily replicated using Forum export (see testing instruction).
- Discovered while testing
MDLQA-15380 CLONE - A teacher can export forum posts
- Passed
- is a regression caused by
MDL-67547 Render HTML in PDF dataformat export
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDL-70087 Forum export to PDF has overlapping text
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MDL-70117 PDF dataformat export: content can overflow when page headers are involved
- Closed