Resolution: Deferred
MDL-70209-master-1 -
4.0 Navigation blitz
Implement base class & file structure.
Within this sub-task we want the base structure of the new Moodle 4.0 navigation to be implemented.
Add required functions for navigation_node.
Within this sub-task we need to add functionality to fetch navigation_node's to populate the navigation view by calling the settings_navigation functions that generates the system context nodes. It may be likely that we emulate a lot of the initialise() to populate this new navigation.
Acceptance criteria
- Using the example structure within this issue, create the required sub directories & files
- Using the example within this issue, implement the base functions within the primary navigation class
- Implement new magic method for primary navigation
- $PAGE->primarynavigationview calls the function magic_get_primarynavview within lib/pagelib. This would create a new primary_navigation_view and triggers the initialise function within primary_navigation_view.
- Confirm the primary navigation elements in the design for the primary navigation are returned by the new class
Example structure:
Example class stub:
class primary_navigation_view extends navigation_node {
// Sets up the view with basic settings and preparse it for use.
public function __construct(array $properties) {}
// Initialise the view based navigation based on the current context.
public function initialise() {}
/This function recursively scans nodes until it finds the active node or there are no more nodes.
This issue is slightly different from its counterpart within the secondary navigation series of issues. This issue rolls both the basic creation of files & classes with the implementation of the initialise function and population of the primary navigation view.
- is child of
MDL-70207 Implement backend functionality for primary navigation
- Closed