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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-70658

Integrate the BBB plugin into Moodle LMS


    • BigBlueButton integration
    • MDL-70658-final
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      Most tests assume that one browser is used for a teacher user and another browser or incognito window is used for a student user.

      Test suite 1 - "Room/Activity with recordings" instance type

      Test case 1.1 - create activity

      A teacher can add a “Room/Activity with recordings” (default) to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting, access recordings.


      1. Create a course C1.
      2. Create a user t1 and a user s1.
      3. Enrol user t1 as teacher and user s1 as a student in course C1.
      4. Log in as a t1.
      5. Go to course C1.
      6. Add a BigBlueButton activity.
        • Select “Room/Activity with recordings” as "Instance type".
        • Give a value to "Virtual classroom name": “Room/Activity with recordings”.
        • Save the BigBlueButton activity.
      7. Click on the “Room/Activity with recordings” activity link.
      8. Confirm that teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows:
        • a title: "Room/Activity with recordings"
        • no description
        • a state (This conference room is ready. You can join the session now.)
        • a clickable button to join the session
        • a Recordings section with no recordings in it
        • a button for importing recordings

      Test case 1.2 - join session

      A teacher can join a session.


      1. Log in as t1
      2. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1”.
      3. Click on the “Join session” button.
      4. Confirm t1 is sent to the BigBlueButton session in a new tab.
      5. Go back to the Moodle tab.
      6. Go back to the BBB tab.
      7. Check that the BBB session has recording capabilities and full UI enabled for a BBB Moderator (see UIenabledBBBModerator.png screenshot).
      8. Confirm t1 can see in Moodle (after 30 secs approx) the stats of the meeting and a new button for ending the meeting from Moodle.
      9. Keep the session open.

      A student can join a session.


      1. In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1.
      2. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      3. Click on the “Join session” button.
      4. Confirm s1 is sent to the BigBlueButton session in a new tab.
      5. Go back to the Moodle tab.
      6. Go back to the BBB tab.
      7. Check that the BBB session should have limited capabilities enabled for a BBB Viewer.
      8. Confirm s1 can see in Moodle (after 30 secs approx) some stats of the meeting.
      9. Keep the session open.

      Test case 1.3 - record session

      A teacher can join a session and record its content.


      1. Go to the tab with the BigBlueButton session opened by t1. If it is not open:
        • Login as t1
        • Go to course C1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
        • Click on the “Join session” button.
      2. Press the recording button, wait for a few seconds (10 to 15).
      3. Click the 3-dots at the top-right corner and exit the session by ending it.
      4. Confirm the BigBlueButton tab is closed and t1 is on the Moodle activity page.
      5. After a few minutes, run cron (we have to wait until the recording is available).
      6. Confirm that after refreshing the page, the list of recordings shows a new recording.

      A student can see the list of recordings.


      1. Go to the tab where s1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. Refresh the page. If it is not open:
        • In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. Confirm the list of recordings shows a recording.

      Test case 1.4 - publish / unpublish recordings

      A teacher can publish/unpublish recordings.


      1. Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open:
        • Login as t1
        • Go to course C1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. In the recording list, click the open eye under "Toolbar".
      3. Click Accept to the confirmation message displayed.
      4. Confirm that the icon indicating the published/unpublished state of the recording changes to a closed eye icon.
      5. Confirm that the link to the recording normally shown on the "Playback" column disappears.
      6. Check that after refreshing the page, the status of the recording is the same.
      7. Repeat steps 2-3.
      8. Confirm that now the page shows the opposite results (open eye and visible link).
      9. Keep the recording hidden before going on.

      A student can only access recordings that are published.


      1. Go to the tab where s1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open:
        • In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. If the link to playback the recording is still after being unpublished:
        • Confirm s1 gets a 404 error when clicking the link, as its content is not available.
      3. Check that after refreshing the page, the row containing the recording is not present.
      4. Repeat in the t1 tab steps 2-3 of the previous section to publish the recording as the teacher.
      5. In the s1 tab, refresh the page.
      6. Confirm that the recording is available again.

      Test case 1.5 - protect / unprotect recordings

      A teacher can protect/unprotect recordings that can only be accessed from a BBB Room/Activity within Moodle.


      1. Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open:
        • Login as t1
        • Go to course C1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. In the recording list, click the open lock icon under the "Toolbar" column.
      3. Click Accept to the confirmation message displayed.
      4. Confirm that the icon indicating the protected/unprotected state of the recording changes to a closed lock.
      5. Click the “Presentation” link in the "Playback" column.
      6. Confirm that a new tab with the recording is opened.
      7. Copy the URL from the current browser and paste it into a different browser (it needs to be a different browser or an incognito window where there is no Moodle session open, as this feature is based on cookies).
      8. Confirm that the recording URL used on a different browser fails.

      A student can only access recordings from a BBB Room/Activity or Resource within Moodle


      1. Go to the tab where s1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open:
        • In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. In the recording list, click the playback “Presentation” link.
      3. Confirm that a new tab with the recording is opened.
      4. Copy the URL from the current browser and paste it into a different browser (it needs to be a different browser or an incognito window as this feature is based on cookies).
      5. Confirm that the recording URL used on a different browser fails.

      Test case 1.6 - delete recordings

      A teacher can delete recordings


      1. Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open:
        • Login as t1
        • Go to course C1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. In the recording list, click the trashcan icon under the "Toolbar" column.
      3. Click Accept to the confirmation message displayed.
      4. Confirm the recording disappears (this action is irreversible and affects all users across systems as the recording is in fact removed from the BBB server).

      Test case 1.7 - import recordings not enabled

      A teacher can import recordings from a different activity in the same course or from a different course only if the feature is enabled.


      1. Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open:
        • Login as t1
        • Go to course C1.
        • Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”.
      2. In the recording list, click the “Import recording links” button.
      3. Confirm a message indicating that “Feature for import recording links is disabled on this server” is shown.

      Test suite 2 - "Room/Activity only" instance type

      Test case 2.1 - create activity

      A teacher can add a “Room/Activity only” to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting with no recordings.


      1. Log in as a t1.
      2. Go to course C1.
      3. Add a new BigBlueButton activity.
        • Select “Room/Activity only” instance type.
        • Give a name: “Room/Activity only”.
        • Save the BigBlueButton activity.
      4. Click on the “Room/Activity only” activity link.
      5. Confirm that the teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows:
        • a title
        • no description
        • a state (This conference room is ready. You can join the session now.)
        • a clickable button to join the session

      Test case 2.2 - join and record session

      A teacher can join a session and record its content.


      1. Log in as a t1.
      2. Go to course C1.
      3. Go to the “Room/Activity only” activity link.
      4. Click on the “Join session” button.
      5. Press the recording button, wait for a few seconds (10 to 15).
      6. Click the 3-dots at the top-right corner. Exit the session by ending it.
      7. Confirm the BigBlueButton tab is closed and t1 is on the Moodle activity page.
      8. After a few minutes, run cron (we have to wait until the recording is available).
      9. Check that there is not a list of recordings as part of the Room/Activity, even when the recording is processed.

      A student can join a session.


      1. In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1.
      2. Go to the “Room/Activity only” activity created in “Test case 2.1”.
      3. Check that there is not a list of recordings as part of the Room/Activity

      Test suite 3 - "Recordings only" instance type

      Test case 3.1 - create activity

      A teacher can add a “Recordings only” to course content that allows users to see all the recordings in a course.


      1. Log in as a t1.
      2. Go to course C1.
      3. Add a new BigBlueButton activity.
        • Select “Recordings only” instance type.
        • Give a name: “Recordings only”.
        • Save the BigBlueButton activity.
      4. Click on the “Recordings only” activity link.
      5. Confirm that the teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows a list with all the recordings related to Room/Activities in the course (you should see the recording created in the "Test 2.2").

      Test suite 4

      Test case 4.1 - create activity

      A teacher can add a “Room/Activity with recordings” (default) to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting, access recordings.


      1. Log in as a t1.
      2. Go to course C1.
      3. Add a new BigBlueButton activity.
        • Select “Room/Activity with recordings” instance type.
        • Give a name: “BigBlueButton activity”.
        • Save the BigBlueButton activity.
      4. Click on the “BigBlueButton activity” activity link.
      5. Confirm that teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows:
        • a title
        • no description
        • a state (This conference room is ready. You can join the session now.)
        • a clickable button to join the session
        • a Recordings section with no recordings in it
        • a link for importing recordings

      Test case 4.2 - assign default roles

      Administrators can assign the BBB roles that Moodle roles will have assigned by default in newly created Room/Activities.


      1. Log in as admin.
      2. Go to Site administration -> Plugins -> BigBlueButton -> Participant configuration:
        • Select Owner, Teacher and Non-editing Teacher with Shift+Click (or Command+Click)
        • Save the changes
      3. Create a new BigBlueButton Activity following the steps 2-3 in "Test case 4.1".

      A teacher can join a meeting as a Moderator even if they are not the ones who created the Room/Activity (Owners).


      1. Log in as t1.
      2. Go to the last BigBlueButton activity created in “Test case 4.2”.
      3. Click on the “Join session” button.
      4. Confirm that the current teacher is sent to the BigBlueButton session in a new tab.
      5. Check that the BBB session has a full UI enabled for a BBB Moderator (see UIenabledBBBModerator.png attached screenshot).

      Test case 4.3 - schedule session

      A teacher can define a Date and Time for Join open and Join closed in a Room/Activity


      1. Create a BigBlueButton activity as described in “Test case 4.1" and in the section “Schedule for session”:
        • Check the boxes for enabling "Join open" and "Join closed"
        • Assign 10 minutes from now to Join open
        • Assign 15 minutes from now to Join closed
        • Save the changes.
      2. Go to the just created Room/Activity.
      3. Confirm that teacher can join the session even if it has not been opened, but the state should display the opening and closing time.
      4. Go to Calendar.
      5. Confirm that the activity is shown in the "Calendar" if it has not passed yet.
      6. Go to the Dashboard. Add the "Upcoming Events block" if it is not present.
      7. Confirm that the activity is shown in "Upcoming Events" if it has not passed yet.

      A student can not Join an Activity/Room session that has not been opened or is closed.


      1. Log in as s1.
      2. Go to the just created BigBlueButton activity in the previous section.
      3. Confirm that the student can't join the session, even if the Teacher is in it.
      4. Check that the state displays the opening and closing time.
      5. Go to Calendar.
      6. Confirm that the activity is shown in the "Calendar" if it has not passed yet.
      7. Go to the Dashboard. Add the "Upcoming Events block" if it is not present.
      8. Confirm that the activity is shown in "Upcoming Events" if it has not passed yet.

      Note that as the time passes and the room closes, the same behaviour described should be observed by Students.

      Test case 4.4 - groups

      The course must have multiple students enrolled, several groups defined and some groups must have students enrolled.

      A teacher can define Groups in a Room/Activity


      1. Log in as t1.
      2. Create a Room/Activity as described in “Test case 4", and in the section “Common module settings”:
        • Select from the Group mode list “Separate groups”
        • Save the changes.
      3. Go to the just created Room/Activity.
      4. Select a Group from the drop-down menu at the top.
      5. Join the session
      6. Confirm that the teacher can join the session and the BBB session will be shown with a name like “ActivityName (Group N)”.
      7. Confirm that the teacher can select and open sessions on as many groups are defined and only meet the students enrolled in that specific group.

      A student can Join an Activity/Room session and will be sent to the session that belongs to the group they are enrolled in.


      1. Log in as different student users.
      2. Go to the just created BigBlueButton activity.
      3. Confirm that the student can only join the rooms that belong to the groups they belong to. They will be meeting only the students and other users enrolled in that group.
      4. Join the session.
      Most tests assume that one browser is used for a teacher user and another browser or incognito window is used for a student user. Test suite 1 - "Room/Activity with recordings" instance type Test case 1.1 - create activity Teacher. A teacher can add a “Room/Activity with recordings” (default) to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting, access recordings. Steps Create a course C1. Create a user t1 and a user s1. Enrol user t1 as teacher and user s1 as a student in course C1. Log in as a t1. Go to course C1. Add a BigBlueButton activity. Select “Room/Activity with recordings” as "Instance type". Give a value to "Virtual classroom name": “Room/Activity with recordings”. Save the BigBlueButton activity. Click on the “Room/Activity with recordings” activity link. Confirm that teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows: a title: "Room/Activity with recordings" no description a state (This conference room is ready. You can join the session now.) a clickable button to join the session a Recordings section with no recordings in it a button for importing recordings Test case 1.2 - join session Teacher A teacher can join a session. Steps Log in as t1 Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1”. Click on the “Join session” button. Confirm t1 is sent to the BigBlueButton session in a new tab. Go back to the Moodle tab. Go back to the BBB tab. Check that the BBB session has recording capabilities and full UI enabled for a BBB Moderator (see UIenabledBBBModerator.png screenshot). Confirm t1 can see in Moodle (after 30 secs approx) the stats of the meeting and a new button for ending the meeting from Moodle. Keep the session open. Student A student can join a session. Steps In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. Click on the “Join session” button. Confirm s1 is sent to the BigBlueButton session in a new tab. Go back to the Moodle tab. Go back to the BBB tab. Check that the BBB session should have limited capabilities enabled for a BBB Viewer. Confirm s1 can see in Moodle (after 30 secs approx) some stats of the meeting. Keep the session open. Test case 1.3 - record session Teacher A teacher can join a session and record its content. Steps Go to the tab with the BigBlueButton session opened by t1. If it is not open: Login as t1 Go to course C1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. Click on the “Join session” button. Press the recording button, wait for a few seconds (10 to 15). Click the 3-dots at the top-right corner and exit the session by ending it. Confirm the BigBlueButton tab is closed and t1 is on the Moodle activity page. After a few minutes, run cron (we have to wait until the recording is available). Confirm that after refreshing the page, the list of recordings shows a new recording. Student A student can see the list of recordings. Steps Go to the tab where s1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. Refresh the page. If it is not open: In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. Confirm the list of recordings shows a recording. Test case 1.4 - publish / unpublish recordings * Teacher * A teacher can publish/unpublish recordings. * Steps * Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open: Login as t1 Go to course C1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. In the recording list, click the open eye under "Toolbar". Click Accept to the confirmation message displayed. Confirm that the icon indicating the published/unpublished state of the recording changes to a closed eye icon. Confirm that the link to the recording normally shown on the "Playback" column disappears. Check that after refreshing the page, the status of the recording is the same. Repeat steps 2-3. Confirm that now the page shows the opposite results (open eye and visible link). Keep the recording hidden before going on. Student A student can only access recordings that are published. Steps Go to the tab where s1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open: In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. If the link to playback the recording is still after being unpublished: Confirm s1 gets a 404 error when clicking the link, as its content is not available. Check that after refreshing the page, the row containing the recording is not present. Repeat in the t1 tab steps 2-3 of the previous section to publish the recording as the teacher. In the s1 tab, refresh the page. Confirm that the recording is available again. Test case 1.5 - protect / unprotect recordings Teacher A teacher can protect/unprotect recordings that can only be accessed from a BBB Room/Activity within Moodle. Steps Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open: Login as t1 Go to course C1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. In the recording list, click the open lock icon under the "Toolbar" column. Click Accept to the confirmation message displayed. Confirm that the icon indicating the protected/unprotected state of the recording changes to a closed lock. Click the “Presentation” link in the "Playback" column. Confirm that a new tab with the recording is opened. Copy the URL from the current browser and paste it into a different browser (it needs to be a different browser or an incognito window where there is no Moodle session open, as this feature is based on cookies). Confirm that the recording URL used on a different browser fails. Student A student can only access recordings from a BBB Room/Activity or Resource within Moodle Steps Go to the tab where s1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open: In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. In the recording list, click the playback “Presentation” link. Confirm that a new tab with the recording is opened. Copy the URL from the current browser and paste it into a different browser (it needs to be a different browser or an incognito window as this feature is based on cookies). Confirm that the recording URL used on a different browser fails. Test case 1.6 - delete recordings Teacher A teacher can delete recordings Steps Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open: Login as t1 Go to course C1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. In the recording list, click the trashcan icon under the "Toolbar" column. Click Accept to the confirmation message displayed. Confirm the recording disappears (this action is irreversible and affects all users across systems as the recording is in fact removed from the BBB server). Test case 1.7 - import recordings not enabled Teacher A teacher can import recordings from a different activity in the same course or from a different course only if the feature is enabled. Steps Go to the tab where t1 is logged and check you are in the "Room/Activity with recordings" activity page. If it is not open: Login as t1 Go to course C1. Go to the Room/Activity created in “Test case 1.1”. In the recording list, click the “Import recording links” button. Confirm a message indicating that “Feature for import recording links is disabled on this server” is shown. Test suite 2 - "Room/Activity only" instance type Test case 2.1 - create activity Teacher A teacher can add a “Room/Activity only” to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting with no recordings. Steps Log in as a t1. Go to course C1. Add a new BigBlueButton activity. Select “Room/Activity only” instance type. Give a name: “Room/Activity only”. Save the BigBlueButton activity. Click on the “Room/Activity only” activity link. Confirm that the teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows: a title no description a state (This conference room is ready. You can join the session now.) a clickable button to join the session Test case 2.2 - join and record session Teacher A teacher can join a session and record its content. Steps Log in as a t1. Go to course C1. Go to the “Room/Activity only” activity link. Click on the “Join session” button. Press the recording button, wait for a few seconds (10 to 15). Click the 3-dots at the top-right corner. Exit the session by ending it. Confirm the BigBlueButton tab is closed and t1 is on the Moodle activity page. After a few minutes, run cron (we have to wait until the recording is available). Check that there is not a list of recordings as part of the Room/Activity, even when the recording is processed. Student A student can join a session. Steps In another browser or an incognito window, log in as s1. Go to the “Room/Activity only” activity created in “Test case 2.1”. Check that there is not a list of recordings as part of the Room/Activity Test suite 3 - "Recordings only" instance type Test case 3.1 - create activity Teacher A teacher can add a “Recordings only” to course content that allows users to see all the recordings in a course. Steps Log in as a t1. Go to course C1. Add a new BigBlueButton activity. Select “Recordings only” instance type. Give a name: “Recordings only”. Save the BigBlueButton activity. Click on the “Recordings only” activity link. Confirm that the teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows a list with all the recordings related to Room/Activities in the course (you should see the recording created in the "Test 2.2"). Test suite 4 Test case 4.1 - create activity Teacher A teacher can add a “Room/Activity with recordings” (default) to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting, access recordings. Steps Log in as a t1. Go to course C1. Add a new BigBlueButton activity. Select “Room/Activity with recordings” instance type. Give a name: “BigBlueButton activity”. Save the BigBlueButton activity. Click on the “BigBlueButton activity” activity link. Confirm that teacher can access the Activity/Room which shows: a title no description a state (This conference room is ready. You can join the session now.) a clickable button to join the session a Recordings section with no recordings in it a link for importing recordings Test case 4.2 - assign default roles Administrator Administrators can assign the BBB roles that Moodle roles will have assigned by default in newly created Room/Activities. Steps Log in as admin. Go to Site administration -> Plugins -> BigBlueButton -> Participant configuration : Select Owner, Teacher and Non-editing Teacher with Shift+Click (or Command+Click) Save the changes Create a new BigBlueButton Activity following the steps 2-3 in "Test case 4.1". Teacher A teacher can join a meeting as a Moderator even if they are not the ones who created the Room/Activity (Owners). Steps Log in as t1. Go to the last BigBlueButton activity created in “Test case 4.2”. Click on the “Join session” button. Confirm that the current teacher is sent to the BigBlueButton session in a new tab. Check that the BBB session has a full UI enabled for a BBB Moderator (see UIenabledBBBModerator.png attached screenshot). Test case 4.3 - schedule session Teacher A teacher can define a Date and Time for Join open and Join closed in a Room/Activity Steps Create a BigBlueButton activity as described in “Test case 4.1" and in the section “Schedule for session”: Check the boxes for enabling "Join open" and "Join closed" Assign 10 minutes from now to Join open Assign 15 minutes from now to Join closed Save the changes. Go to the just created Room/Activity. Confirm that teacher can join the session even if it has not been opened, but the state should display the opening and closing time. Go to Calendar. Confirm that the activity is shown in the "Calendar" if it has not passed yet. Go to the Dashboard. Add the "Upcoming Events block" if it is not present. Confirm that the activity is shown in "Upcoming Events" if it has not passed yet. Student A student can not Join an Activity/Room session that has not been opened or is closed. Steps Log in as s1. Go to the just created BigBlueButton activity in the previous section. Confirm that the student can't join the session, even if the Teacher is in it. Check that the state displays the opening and closing time. Go to Calendar. Confirm that the activity is shown in the "Calendar" if it has not passed yet. Go to the Dashboard. Add the "Upcoming Events block" if it is not present. Confirm that the activity is shown in "Upcoming Events" if it has not passed yet. Note that as the time passes and the room closes, the same behaviour described should be observed by Students. Test case 4.4 - groups Prerequisite The course must have multiple students enrolled, several groups defined and some groups must have students enrolled. Teacher A teacher can define Groups in a Room/Activity Steps Log in as t1. Create a Room/Activity as described in “Test case 4", and in the section “Common module settings”: Select from the Group mode list “Separate groups” Save the changes. Go to the just created Room/Activity. Select a Group from the drop-down menu at the top. Join the session Confirm that the teacher can join the session and the BBB session will be shown with a name like “ ActivityName (Group N )”. Confirm that the teacher can select and open sessions on as many groups are defined and only meet the students enrolled in that specific group. Student A student can Join an Activity/Room session and will be sent to the session that belongs to the group they are enrolled in. Steps Log in as different student users. Go to the just created BigBlueButton activity. Confirm that the student can only join the rooms that belong to the groups they belong to. They will be meeting only the students and other users enrolled in that group. Join the session.

      We are reviewing what is necessary to integrate the BBB plugin into the Moodle LMS. 

      Aim: to provide an open source video conferencing solution that ships 'out-of-the-box' with Moodle.

      Target release: 4.0 (Nov 2021)

      This epic collates the issues that need to be resolved prior to integration.

      BigBlueButton code repository:


        1. bbb-session.png
          49 kB
          Victor Déniz Falcón
        2. CaptureTest case 1.7 - import recordings not enabled.PNG
          64 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        3. image-2023-03-07-09-51-23-999.png
          239 kB
          Ralf Krause
        4. image-2023-03-07-09-53-10-402.png
          222 kB
          Ralf Krause
        5. moodle-bbb-partner.png
          222 kB
          Ralf Krause
        6. Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 09.59.54.png
          334 kB
          Andrew Lyons
        7. Sélection_999(255).png
          46 kB
          Laurent DAVID
        8. Sélection_999(256).png
          39 kB
          Laurent DAVID
        9. Sélection_999(257).png
          139 kB
          Laurent DAVID
        10. Test case 1.1 - create activity_PASSED.PNG
          74 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        11. Test case 1.2 - join session_PASSED.png
          517 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        12. Test case 1.3 - record session.png
          222 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        13. Test case 1.4 - publish unpublish recordings.png
          367 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        14. Test case 1.5 - protect unprotect recordings.png
          311 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        15. Test case 1.6 - delete recordings.png
          120 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        16. Test case 2.1 - create activity_PASSED.PNG
          45 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        17. Test case 2.2 - join and record session.png
          149 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        18. Test case 3.1 create activity.PNG
          81 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        19. Test case 4.1 - create activity.PNG
          72 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        20. Test case 4.2 - assign default roles.PNG
          116 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        21. Test case 4.4 - groups.png
          358 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        22. UIenabledBBBModerator.png
          80 kB
          Victor Déniz Falcón
        23. UntitledTest case 4.3 - schedule session.png
          420 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        24. viewmessage.png
          43 kB
          Victor Déniz Falcón

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                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 7 weeks, 4 hours, 16 minutes
                7w 4h 16m

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