Resolution: Unresolved
- Setup Course completion
- Open Reports/Course Completion
- Test filters
- Test download
- Open Reports/Completion in course (/report/completion)
- Try to download "Download in Excel-compatible format (.csv)"
- Used class for csv export, but this is not working for localized excel settings
- Open Reports/Activity completion (/report/progress)
- Try to download "Download in Excel-compatible format (.csv)"
- It is working for localization of Excel, used html for exporting to csv
I had remaked /report/completion to /report/progress scheme, everything is working fine, but i think that is not good solution, better way is using class for csv export, with some improvements for both reports.
Or, why is not used flexible_table in this Reports?
- will help resolve
MDL-45832 The activity completion report should be using the csv class.
- Closed