New Feature
Resolution: Deferred
MDL-70781-master -
Internationals - 3.11 Sprint 6, Internationals - 3.11 Sprint 7, Internationals - 3.11 Sprint 8
User story
As a course creator/editing teacher
I want to be able to configure the course to show completion requirements
So that I can decide if I want the completion requirements to be shown
Acceptance criteria
- Given I log in as an editing teacher/course creator, when I am at a course’s settings page, then I should see a setting that I can use to specify if I want the completion requirements to be shown in the course or not.
- Given completion requirements are set to be shown, when I go to a course's homepage, then I should see the completion requirements for the activities with automatic completion requirements.
- Given completion requirements are not set to be shown, when I go to a course's homepage, then I should not see the completion requirements for the activities with automatic completion requirements.
- Given completion requirements are set to be shown, when I view an activity with automatic completion requirements, then I should see the activity's completion requirements.
- Given completion requirements are not set to be shown, when I view an activity with automatic completion requirements, then I should not see the activity's completion requirements.
- is parent of
MDL-70817 Create an output component that displays an activity's information for a user
- Closed