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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-70786

Some course report pages are displaying only the users's first name


    • MDL-70786-master
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      Course completion report

      1. Enrol a student in a course.
      2. Insert a choice activity called "Yes" having option to choose from and Activity completion → Completion tracking set to "Show activity as complete when conditions are met".
      3. In the course, in the Action menu choose "Course completion".
      4. In "Condition: Activity completion" tick the "Choice - Yes" checkbox and hit the "Save changes" button.
      5. As admin, set Administration → Users → Permissions → User policies → Full name format to "firstname" and hit the "Save changes" button.
      6. In the course the choice and the student is in, go to Course Administration → Reports → Course completion.
      7. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.
      8. Verify that is the case as well in the downloaded file when you click "Download in Excel-compatible format (.csv)"

      Activity completion report

      1. Create a course.
      2. Create some users and then enroll them in the course.
      3. Create some activities that allow students to mark them as completed.
      4. Log in as some students and complete the activities.
      5. Go back to the course as admin, go to course administration and click Activity completion in report section.
      6. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.
      7. Verify that is the case as well in the downloaded file when you click "Download in Excel-compatible format (.csv)"

      Competency breakdown report

      1. Create frameworks, competencies.
      2. Set rules on competencies and other things you can with competencies.
      3. Create plans, and plans from templates.
      4. Assign plans to students.
      5. Rate the competencies from a course.
      6. Verify the student's names are shown with the firstname and lastname in the autocomplete select element, and not only firstname.
      7. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.

      Logs report

      1. Create a course.
      2. Create some users and then enroll them in the course.
      3. Create some activities.
      4. Log in as some students and access the activities.
      5. Go back to the course as admin, go to course administration and click Logs in report section.
      6. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.
      7. In course participants click the name of a student.
      8. In her/his profile, click on "Today's logs".
      9. In the log page verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.

      Live logs report

      1. Create a course.
      2. Create some users and then enroll them in the course.
      3. Create some activities.
      4. Log in as some students and access the activities.
      5. Go back to the course as admin, go to course administration and click Live logs in report section.
      6. In the live log page verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.
      Course completion report Enrol a student in a course. Insert a choice activity called "Yes" having option to choose from and Activity completion → Completion tracking set to "Show activity as complete when conditions are met". In the course, in the Action menu choose "Course completion". In "Condition: Activity completion" tick the "Choice - Yes" checkbox and hit the "Save changes" button. As admin, set Administration → Users → Permissions → User policies → Full name format to "firstname" and hit the "Save changes" button. In the course the choice and the student is in, go to Course Administration → Reports → Course completion. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname. Verify that is the case as well in the downloaded file when you click "Download in Excel-compatible format (.csv)" Activity completion report Create a course. Create some users and then enroll them in the course. Create some activities that allow students to mark them as completed. Log in as some students and complete the activities. Go back to the course as admin, go to course administration and click Activity completion in report section. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname. Verify that is the case as well in the downloaded file when you click "Download in Excel-compatible format (.csv)" Competency breakdown report Create frameworks, competencies. Set rules on competencies and other things you can with competencies. Create plans, and plans from templates. Assign plans to students. Rate the competencies from a course. Verify the student's names are shown with the firstname and lastname in the autocomplete select element, and not only firstname. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname. Logs report Create a course. Create some users and then enroll them in the course. Create some activities. Log in as some students and access the activities. Go back to the course as admin, go to course administration and click Logs in report section. Verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname. In course participants click the name of a student. In her/his profile, click on "Today's logs". In the log page verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname. Live logs report Create a course. Create some users and then enroll them in the course. Create some activities. Log in as some students and access the activities. Go back to the course as admin, go to course administration and click Live logs in report section. In the live log page verify the student's name is shown with the firstname and lastname, and not only firstname.

      When a site admin, manager, teacher, or non-editing teacher views some of the course report pages ('Course Completion', Competency breakdown', 'Logs', 'Live logs', 'Activity completion') the name column only shows the value for fullnamedisplay instead of the value for alternativefullnameformat. When fullnamedisplay is set to "firstname" only it makes it really hard for instructors to figure out which student is which if they have the same first name.

      Course Completion replication steps:

      1. Go to Site administration / Users / Permissions / User policies
      2. Set fullnamedisplay to firstname
      3. Leave alternativefullnameformat set to language
      4. View a Course Completion Report

      WHAT YOU EXPECTED: Name column showing first and last names

      WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS: Name column showing only the first names

        1. actual.png
          12 kB
        2. expected.png
          14 kB
        3. MDL-70786.jpg
          48 kB
        4. MDL-70786 (2).jpg
          MDL-70786 (2).jpg
          51 kB

            lucaboesch Luca Bösch
            wadegulbrandsen Wade Gulbrandsen
            Mihail Geshoski Mihail Geshoski
            Adrian Greeve Adrian Greeve
            Anna Carissa Sadia Anna Carissa Sadia
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 1 day, 2 hours, 50 minutes
                1d 2h 50m

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