New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
MDL-71209-master-fixup -
Moppies Kanban, Moppies Kanban, Moppies Kanban
As a user
I want to be able to see the whole structure of a course
so I can manage it in a better way.
Course index will be available in the course for all users. The main aim of the course index is to offer an easy way for learners to navigate through the course and activities, and for content editors to manage/edit sections and activities.
In this issue we will implement a renderer method to display the course index.
☝️ Note that the CI header is sticky (would be same with blocks header) as per the screenshot
Also added a desktop screenshot for the in-situ view of the CI.
- Desktop prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/OfCvqK069Oz6Fvqq2xcZWI/Create-a-course?node-id=2115%3A135&viewport=201%2C-559%2C0.32687875628471375&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=6%3A0&hide-ui=1
- Mobile view-mode: https://www.figma.com/proto/OfCvqK069Oz6Fvqq2xcZWI/Create-a-course?node-id=3428%3A2676&viewport=3110%2C1913%2C0.27999651432037354&scaling=scale-down&page-id=2101%3A23400&hide-ui=1
Acceptance criteria:
- There is a course header with 'Course index" in the header.
- All the section titles (visible for the user) are listed and linked to section page.
- All the activity titles (visible for the user) are listed in in the proper section linked to activity view page.
- Only sections and activities that are visible for the user will be listed based on defined visibility, capabilities, access restrictions, etc.
- Course index will be loaded once the page is ready (lazy load)
- blocks
MDL-71211 Keep the status of the course index collapsed and expanded sections per user and course
- Closed
MDL-71228 Implement drag and drop option for sections and activities in the course index
- Closed
MDL-71210 Make section collapsable in the course index
- Closed
MDL-71213 Add section kebab menu with a link to 'Edit section' in the course index
- Closed
MDL-71214 Add activity kebab menu in the course index with a link to 'Edit settings'
- Closed
MDL-71216 Implement 'Add section' option to the course index
- Closed
MDL-71230 Show/hide course index option for view mode
- Closed
MDL-71828 Implement section links' behavior in course index
- Closed
MDL-72144 Replace all behat "I am on course" + "I follow activity link" with "I am on activity page" step
- Closed
MDL-72310 Expand all course index sections
- Closed
- has a QA test
MDLQA-16074 A user can save course index and block drawer status
- Open
MDLQA-16686 CLONE - A user can save course index and block drawer status
- Passed
MDLQA-17302 CLONE - A user can save course index and block drawer status
- Passed
- has to be done before
MDL-72263 Improve course index accessibility following ARIA tree pattern guidelines
- Closed
- is blocked by
MDL-72179 Core page resolver improvements
- Closed
MDL-71456 Create page drawers for the block and course index areas
- Closed
MDL-71165 Create core_course_update_course webservice
- Closed
MDL-71134 Create editor, mutations AMD modules to suport the new course editor
- Closed
MDL-71863 Create core_courseformat subsystem
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDL-71442 Synchronize activity inline rename edition with course index
- Closed
MDL-71443 Synchronize section inline rename edition with course index
- Closed
MDL-71444 Make section Highlight/Remove highlight option compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71445 Make section Hide/Show option compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71446 Make activity Hide/show option compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71447 Make activity duplication compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71448 Make activity deletion compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71449 Make section 'Move to' course edition option compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71450 Make activity 'Move to' course edition option compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71451 Make section drag&drop in course main content area compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
MDL-71452 Make activity drag&drop in course main content area compatible/synchronize with course index
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MDL-71795 Course index on activity view page
- Closed
- will help resolve
MDL-72145 Collapsed Topics displays lines between every activity
- Closed