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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-71214

Add activity kebab menu in the course index with a link to 'Edit settings'


      As a teacher
      I want to be able to edit an activity from the course index
      so I can change its settings


      While editing mode is on, beside any activity title in the course index there is a kebab menu with the options listed below:

      • Settings: links to activity edit settings form.


      (forget about the rest of the menu options for now)


      Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/OfCvqK069Oz6Fvqq2xcZWI/Create-a-course?node-id=3285%3A38308&scaling=scale-down


      Acceptance criteria:

      1. For user with course editing permissions while editing mode is on, there is a new kebab menu beside any activity in the course index.
      2. User with no course editing permissions won't see any menu.
      3. For user with course editing permissions while editing mode is of won't see any menu.
      4. The 'Settings' option in the kebab menu is linked to activity edit settings form.
      5. Opening and closing kebab menu must be available both via mouse and keyboard.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            amaia Amaia Anabitarte
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