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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-71216

Implement 'Add section' option to the course index


      As a teacher
      I want to be able to add a new section in the course index
      so I can structure my course


      While editing mode is on, users will have the option (on top of the course index, just after the course title) to add a new section.


      Adding sections is an option that we delegate to course formats. So some course formats could offer the option to add sections, and some others don’t. The behaviour and workflow of how to add a section is also in the course format’s hands.






      Acceptance criteria:

      1. For user with course editing permissions while editing mode is on, there is an 'Add section' option behind the course title.
      2. User with no course editing permissions won't see any menu.
      3. For user with course editing permissions while editing mode is of won't see any menu.
      4. New section will be created at the top of the course. 
      5. New section(s) will be created below the selected/active section.
      6. A modal will be shown for users to decide the number of sections to be added for ‘Topics’ and ‘Weekly’ formats.
      7. While adding a new section, a new ‘New section’ element will be shown in the course index as well as in the main content area to mark the location for the element, but it will not be saved till the user ‘Save changes’.
      8. Once the section is created, the focus will be on this new section (in course index as well as the scroll position in the main content area)
      9. New (empty) sections in the course index (as well as the main content area) have a link to prompt the user to add an activity or resource (so they know what to do next)


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            amaia Amaia Anabitarte
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