Resolution: Won't Do
As a teacher
I want to be able to move an existing section to another position
so I can order course content
This option will move the current section to a different place in the same course.
(forget about the rest of options for now)
Prototype: There is no specific prototype to move sections, so pointing to https://www.figma.com/proto/OfCvqK069Oz6Fvqq2xcZWI/Create-a-course?node-id=2905%3A744&scaling=min-zoom
Acceptance criteria:
- A modal should be shown for the user to choose the destination.
- User will see the whole structure of the course in the modal (similar to the course index)
- Selecting an activity or section will enable the ‘Move’ button.
- The section’s new destination will be a position after the selected section, or after the section where the activity is part of.
- All sections except the selected one (the source) will be collapsed.
- All labels will be shown in the modal. ‘(Untitled)’ will be shown for labels with empty title.
- Per UX decision this option won't allow user to move a section to the first position.
- Once the action is finished:
- The user stays in the same ‘source’ position.
- A toast notification will be shown once the action has been completed.
Technical tasks:
- "Move to" and "Copy to" modal component
- Add section_move state actions