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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-71332

Improve use of data generators in core behat tests


    • Improve use of data generators in core behat tests

      There is lots of places in Behat tests where data generators are not correctly used.

      One example is in activity creation, which should be done in data generators rather then adding them manually like:

          And I add a "Assignment" to section "1" and I fill the form with:
            | Assignment name | Test assignment name 2 |
            | Description | Submit your online text |
            | assignsubmission_onlinetext_enabled | 1 |

      Here are some places

      • grade/report/grader/tests/behat/switch_views.feature
      • admin/tool/recyclebin/tests/behat/backup_user_data.feature
      • admin/tool/recyclebin/tests/behat/basic_functionality.feature
      • admin/tool/usertours/tests/behat/tour_filter.feature
      • backup/util/ui/tests/behat/restore_moodle2_courses.feature
      • blocks/tests/behat/move_blocks.feature
      • completion/tests/behat/restrict_activity_by_grade.feature
      • completion/tests/behat/restrict_section_availability.feature
      • course/tests/behat/activities_group_icons.feature
      • course/tests/behat/activities_indentation.feature
      • course/tests/behat/activities_visibility_icons.feature
      • course/tests/behat/force_group_mode.feature
      • course/tests/behat/section_visibility.feature
      • course/tests/behat/view_subfolders_inline.feature
      • And more...

      Bunch of tests have been fixed as part MDL-66431 as they were broken by change it made. But we still need to fix the rest

        1. chrome.log
          111 kB
        2. goutte.log
          71 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ilyatregubov Ilya Tregubov
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