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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-71913

Implement tertiary navigation for plugin set 2 of 4


    • MDL-71913-master
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      1. Create a course.
      2. Enrol a Student and Teacher.
      3. In the course create the following activities:
        • Database
        • Wiki
        • File
        • Folder
        • H5P (you can use the uploaded h5p package file arithmetic-quiz.h5p)

      NOTE: please also make sure that the displayed output in these activity closely matches the related figma designs



      1.  Login as teacher
      2. Go to the database activity in the course
        • confirm that you are directed to the database 'Fields' page by default
        • confirm that 'Database', 'Settings', 'Fields', 'Templates', 'Presets' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu.
        • confirm that the 'Fields' tab is highlighted as active.
      3. In the 'Fields' page:
        • confirm that there is a selector element with the following options (in the following order):
          1. 'Create a new field' (preselected by default)
          2. 'Import a preset'
          3. 'Use a preset'
        • confirm that there is another selector element containing the available field types.
      4. While 'Create a new field' is selected, from the field type selector element choose a given field type (ex. Checkbox)
        • confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can add the field type (checkbox)
        • confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active.
        • confirm that there are two action options "Add" and "Cancel"
      5. Click on "Cancel"
        • confirm you are redirected back to the Fields page ('Create a new field')
      6. From the field type selector select a given file type again (ex. Checkbox).
      7. Fill the required form fields and click "Add".
        • confirm that the database field was successfully added and you are redirected back to the Fields page ('Create a new field').
        • confirm that you can now see two new additional buttons on the Fields page ('Create a new field'), 'Save as preset' and 'Export preset'
      8. Click on 'Save as preset'
        • confirm that a modal is displayed where you can save the fields and templates as preset.
      9. Add a name for the preset (ex. Preset 1) and press 'Save'.
        • confirm that a flash notification is displayed stating that the preset was successfully saved.
      10. Click on 'Save as preset' again.
      11. Enter the same name used for the previous preset (ex. Preset 1),  leave 'Overwrite the preset if it already exists' unchecked and press Save.
        • confirm that you are prevented from creating the preset and a validation message is displayed stating that there is a preset with this name.
      12. Now check 'Overwrite the preset if it already exists' and press save.
        • confirm that the preset was successfully saved and it overrides the old preset.
      13. In the Fields page ('Create a new field'), click on the 'Export preset' button.
        • confirm that a zip file containing a preset is downloaded.
      14. In the 'Fields' page, delete the field using the 'delete' action in the field table. (confirm the delete action in the next step)
      15. In the 'Fields' page, select 'Import a preset' from the action selector.
        • confirm you are redirected to a page where you can import a preset.
        • confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active.**
        • confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Import a preset' is preselected
      16. Click on the 'Cancel' button.
        1. confirm you are redirected to the 'Create a new field' action page.
      17. Go back to the 'Import a preset' action page, and upload and save the exported preset in step 13 and press 'Save'
      18. In the 'Field mappings' page:
        1. confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active.
        2. confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Import a preset' is preselected
      19. Press continue.
        1. confirm that the preset was successfully applied.
      20. Go back to the 'Fields' page and once again delete the field.
      21. In the 'Fields' page, change the action selector to 'Use a preset'.
        • confirm you are redirected to a 'Presets' page where all existing presets are displayed in a table.
        • confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active.
        • confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Use a preset' is preselected
        • confirm that there is radio button for each preset which enables selecting the preset
        • confirm that you can see the default preset (Image gallery) and the preset created in step 12
      22. Select the 'Image gallery' preset and press 'Use preset'.
        • confirm that you are redirected to a field mappings page.
        • confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active.
        • confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Use a preset' is preselected
      23. Use the default mappings and press 'Continue'
        • confirm that the preset was successfully applied
        • confirm that you can see the new fields (image, title, caption) in the Fields table.
      24. Go to the 'Presets' tab in the secondary navigation.
        • confirm that the "Presets" tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that you can see the presets table
        • confirm that there is a radio button for each preset which enables selecting the preset
        • confirm that there is a delete option for each preset that was created by the user.
        • confirm that there is an 'Import' button at the top of the page content area
        • confirm that there is a 'Use preset' button at the bottom of the page content area
      25. Click on the 'Import' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can upload (import) a preset
        • confirm that the "Presets" tab is highlighted as active.
      26. Attempt to import a preset.
        • confirm that the preset is properly imported and after completing all steps you are redirected to the Presets page.
      27. In the Presets page, without selecting any preset from the table, press on the 'Use preset' button.
        • confirm that a notification is displayed stating that no preset has been selected
      28. Select the preset created in step 12 (Preset 1) and press 'Save'.
        • confirm that you are redirected to a field mappings page.
        • confirm that the "Fields" tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Use a preset' is preselected
      29. Use the default mappings and press 'Continue'
        • confirm that the preset was successfully applied
        • confirm that you can see the field in the Fields page.
      30. Go back to the 'Presets' tab, click on the delete action for Preset 1 and confirm the delete action.
        • confirm that the preset was successfully deleted.
        • confirm that the preset no longer exists in the presets table
      31. Go to the 'Templates' tab in the secondary navigation.
        • confirm that the "Templates" tab is highlighted as active. 
        • confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List template', 'Single template' (preselected), 'Advanced search template', 'Add template', 'RSS template', 'CSS template', 'Javascript template'.
      32. Navigate to each option in the selector
        • confirm that each time the correct template mode page is displayed
        • confirm that there is a 'Save as preset' button
        • confirm that there is a 'Export preset' button
        • confirm that there is a 'Reset template' button at the bottom of the page
        • confirm that there is a 'Save template' button at the bottom of the page
        • confirm that there is a 'Enable editor' checkbox (enabled by default) at the bottom of the page (except for the 'CSS template' and 'Javascript template pages as they do not support editor mode)
      33. Click on the 'Save as preset' button
        • confirm that a modal is displayed containing a form to save the fields and templates as preset.
      34. Repeat the actions from steps 9-12
        • confirm that everything works as expected.
      35. Click on the 'Export preset' button
        • confirm that a zip of the preset is downloaded.
      36. Modify the existing template fields (textareas) (without saving the changes) and click on the 'Reset template' button
        • confirm that the changes have been discarded.
      37. Modify the existing template fields once again and click on the 'Save template' button
        • confirm that the changes have been saved.
      38. Uncheck the 'Enable editor' checkbox.
        • confirm that the editor has been disabled for the given template mode.
      39. Now check the 'Enable editor' checkbox.
        • confirm that a confirmation alert is displayed.
      40. Click on 'Cancel' in the confirmation action alert.
        • confirm that the action wasn't applied and the editor is still disabled.
      41. Check the 'Enable editor' checkbox and confirm the action in the alert.
        • confirm that the action was applied and the editor is now enabled for the given template mode.
      42. Go to the 'Database' tab.
        • confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active.  
        • confirm that there are no entries currently in the database activity.
        • confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List view' (preselected) and 'Single view'
        • confirm that there is a 'Add entry' button next to the selector element
        • confirm that there is a 'Import entries' button
        • confirm that you cannot see a 'Export entries' button (as there are no entries)
      43. Click on the 'Add entry' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can create a new database entry.
        • confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that there are 3 action buttons on the page, 'Cancel', 'Save' and 'Save and add another' (in this particular order)
      44. Fill out the required form fields and click on 'Save'
        • confirm that the database entry was successfully created.
      45. Go to the 'List view' mode in the Database tab
        • confirm that you can now see an 'Export entries' button in addition to the existing action elements.
      46. Click on the 'Add entry' button again.
      47. In the Add entry page click on the 'Cancel' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to the List view mode in the Database tab.
      48. From the view mode selector select 'Single view'
        • confirm that you are redirected to the single view mode page.
        • confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. **
        • confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List view' and 'Single view' (preselected)
        • confirm that there is a 'Import entries' button
        • confirm that there is a 'Export entries' button
      49. Go on 'Add entry' and then click on 'Cancel'
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page
      50. Click on the edit button (settings cog) for the created database entry.
        • confirm that you are redirected to an edit entry page.
        • confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. **
        • confirm that you can see a 'Cancel' and 'Save' (in this particular order) action buttons at the bottom
      51. Click on 'Cancel'
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page.
      52. Click again on the edit button (settings cog) for the created database entry.
      53. Modify the database entry and press 'Save'
        • confirm that the changes are successfully applied.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the Single view mode page.
      54. Click on the 'Import entries' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can upload entries from a file.
        • confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. **
      55. Click on 'Cancel'.
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page in the Database tab.
      56. From the view mode selector select 'List view'
      57. Click on the 'Import entries' button and in the import entries page press Cancel.
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the List view mode page in the Database tab.
      58. Click on the 'Import entries' button again, upload entries and submit the form.
        • confirm that the entries were successfully imported.
        • after completing all the steps confirm confirm you are redirected to the List view mode in the Database tab.
      59. Click on the Export entries button
        • confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can export the database entries.
        • confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active.
      60. Click on 'Cancel'.
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the List view mode page in the Database tab.
      61. From the view mode selector select 'Single view'
      62. Click on the Export entries button
      63. Click on 'Cancel'.
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page in the Database tab.
      64. Click on the Export entries button again.
      65. Click on 'Export entries' in the export entries page
        • confirm that a file is downloaded containing the entries in the defined format.
      66. Logout.
      67. Login as student
      68. Go to the database activity in the course.
        • confirm that you cannot see the the secondary navigation menu
        • confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List view' (preselected) and 'Single view'
        • confirm that there is a 'Add entry' button
        • confirm that there is NOT a 'Import entries' button
        • confirm that there is NOT a 'Export entries' button
      69. Click on the 'Add entry' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can create a new database entry.
        • confirm that there are 3 action buttons on the page, 'Cancel', 'Save' and 'Save and add another' (in this particular order)
      70. Fill out the required form fields and click on 'Save'
        • confirm that the database entry was successfully created.
        • confirm that the database entry is present in the list of entries (List view)
      71. From the view selector, select 'Single view'
        • confirm that you are redirected to the single view mode page.


      1. Login as admin
      2. Go to the wiki activity in the course
        1. confirm that 'Wiki' and 'Settings' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu.
        2. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        3. confirm that there is a selector element with the following options:
          1. 'View' (preselected)
          2. 'Edit'
          3. 'Comments'
          4. 'History'
          5. 'Map'
          6. 'Files'
          7. 'Administration'
      3. With the 'View' action selected
        • confirm that there is a 'Print' button present
      4. Click on the 'Print' button
        • confirm that a print preview page is opened in a new tab.
      5. Select the 'Edit' action
        • confirm that you are redirected to the edit page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Edit' is preselected)
      6. Modify the page content and press 'Save'
        • confirm that the changes were successfully applied and you are redirected to the wiki 'View' action page in the Wiki tab.
      7. Select the 'Edit' action again from the selector.
      8. Now press Cancel.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki 'View' action page in the Wiki tab.
      9. Select 'Comments' from the action selector.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki comments page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Comments' is preselected)
      10. In the wiki comments page, click on the 'Add comment' link
        • confirm you are redirected to the add wiki comment page
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is not present on this page
      11. Insert a comment and save the changes.
        • confirm that the comment was successfully added and you are redirected to the wiki 'Comments' page

      12. Go back again to the add wiki comment page and now press 'Cancel'
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the wiki 'Comments' page
      13. Delete an existing comment. (confirm the delete action)
        • confirm that the comment was deleted and you are redirected to the wiki 'Comments' page
      14. Select 'History' from the action selector.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki history page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('History' is preselected)
      15. In the version history table, click on any version number link.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki 'Viewing page version' page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that there is a 'Back' button present.
      16. Click on the 'Back' button.
        • confirm that you are redirected back to the wiki History page.
      17. Go a wiki 'Viewing page version' page once again and click on 'Restore this version'
      18. In the action confirmation page, press 'Yes'
        • confirm that the version was correctly restored and you are redirected to the wiki 'View' page.
      19. Select 'History' from the action selector again and repeat 17-18, but this time press 'No' in the action confirmation page.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the 'Viewing page version' page
      20. Select 'Map' from the action selector.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Map page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Map' is preselected)
      21. Select 'Files' from the action selector.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Files page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active.
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Files' is preselected)
      22. Click on the 'Edit wiki files' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Files page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is NOT present on this page
      23. Press 'Cancel'
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki 'Files' page
      24. Go to the 'Edit wiki files' page again, upload a file and save the changes.
        • confirm that the file was uploaded and you are redirected to the wiki 'Files' page
      25. Select 'Administration' from the action selector.
        • confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Administration page.
        • confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Administration' is preselected)
      26. Log out
      27. Log in as a student.
      28. Go to the wiki activity in the course
        • confirm that you cannot see the secondary navigation menu
        • confirm that there is a selector element with the following options:
          1. 'View' (preselected)
          2. 'Edit'
          3. 'Comments'
          4. 'History'
          5. 'Map'
          6. 'Files'
        • confirm that there is a 'Print' button present (wiki 'View' page is displayed)
      29. Repeat steps 3-21 and confirm that everything works as expected.


      1. Login as admin
      2. Go to the file activity in the course
        • confirm that 'File' and 'Settings' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu.
        • confirm that the 'File' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that a heading with the name of the file activity is not present in the page content area.


      1. Login as admin
      2. Go to the folder activity in the course
        • confirm that 'Folder' and 'Settings' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu.
        • confirm that the 'Folder' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that a heading with the name of the folder activity is not present in the page content area.
        • confirm that there is an 'Edit' (primary) button at the top of the page content area
      3. Click on the 'Edit' button
        • confirm that you are redirected to the Edit folder page.
        • confirm that the 'Folder' tab is highlighted as active
      4. Login as a student.
      5. Go to the folder activity in the course
        • confirm that there isn't a secondary navigation menu
        • confirm that there is no 'Edit' button.


      1. Login as admin
      2. Go to the H5p activity in the course
        • confirm that 'H5P' and 'Settings', 'Attempts report' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu.
        • confirm that the 'H5P' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that a heading with the name of the h5p activity is not present in the page content area.
        • confirm that there isn't a 'View all attempts' link in the page content area.
      3. Click on the 'Attempts report' item in the secondary navigation
        • confirm that you are redirected to the attempts report page.
        • confirm that the 'Attempts report' tab is highlighted as active
      4. Login as a student.
      5. Go to the h5p activity in the course
        • confirm that there isn't a secondary navigation menu.
        • confirm that there isn't a link to the attempted report page.
      6. Complete the quiz and once finished reload the page.
        • confirm that there is now a secondary navigation menu in the h5p activity
        • confirm that 'H5P' and 'Attempts report' (in this particular order) are the only displayed secondary navigation items and there isn't a 'More' menu.
        • confirm that the 'H5P' tab is highlighted as active
        • confirm that there isn't a 'View all attempts' link in the page content area.
      1. Click on the 'Attempts report' item in the secondary navigation
        • confirm that you are redirected to the  attempts report page.
        • confirm that the 'Attempts report' tab is highlighted as active.
      Prerequisites: Create a course. Enrol a Student and Teacher. In the course create the following activities: Database Wiki File Folder H5P (you can use the uploaded h5p package file arithmetic-quiz.h5p ) NOTE: please also make sure that the displayed output in these activity closely matches the related figma designs Test Database  Login as teacher Go to the database activity in the course confirm that you are directed to the database 'Fields' page by default confirm that 'Database', 'Settings', 'Fields', 'Templates', 'Presets' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu. confirm that the 'Fields' tab is highlighted as active. In the 'Fields' page: confirm that there is a selector element with the following options (in the following order): 'Create a new field' (preselected by default) 'Import a preset' 'Use a preset' confirm that there is another selector element containing the available field types. While 'Create a new field' is selected, from the field type selector element choose a given field type (ex. Checkbox) confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can add the field type (checkbox) confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active. confirm that there are two action options "Add" and "Cancel" Click on "Cancel" confirm you are redirected back to the Fields page ('Create a new field') From the field type selector select a given file type again (ex. Checkbox). Fill the required form fields and click "Add". confirm that the database field was successfully added and you are redirected back to the Fields page ('Create a new field'). confirm that you can now see two new additional buttons on the Fields page ('Create a new field'), 'Save as preset' and 'Export preset' Click on 'Save as preset' confirm that a modal is displayed where you can save the fields and templates as preset. Add a name for the preset (ex. Preset 1) and press 'Save'. confirm that a flash notification is displayed stating that the preset was successfully saved. Click on 'Save as preset' again. Enter the same name used for the previous preset (ex. Preset 1),  leave 'Overwrite the preset if it already exists' unchecked and press Save. confirm that you are prevented from creating the preset and a validation message is displayed stating that there is a preset with this name. Now check 'Overwrite the preset if it already exists' and press save. confirm that the preset was successfully saved and it overrides the old preset. In the Fields page ('Create a new field'), click on the 'Export preset' button. confirm that a zip file containing a preset is downloaded. In the 'Fields' page, delete the field using the 'delete' action in the field table. (confirm the delete action in the next step) In the 'Fields' page, select 'Import a preset' from the action selector. confirm you are redirected to a page where you can import a preset. confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active. ** confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Import a preset' is preselected Click on the 'Cancel' button. confirm you are redirected to the 'Create a new field' action page. Go back to the 'Import a preset' action page, and upload and save the exported preset in step 13 and press 'Save' In the 'Field mappings' page: confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active. confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Import a preset' is preselected Press continue. confirm that the preset was successfully applied. Go back to the 'Fields' page and once again delete the field. In the 'Fields' page, change the action selector to 'Use a preset'. confirm you are redirected to a 'Presets' page where all existing presets are displayed in a table. confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active. confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Use a preset' is preselected confirm that there is radio button for each preset which enables selecting the preset confirm that you can see the default preset (Image gallery) and the preset created in step 12 Select the 'Image gallery' preset and press 'Use preset'. confirm that you are redirected to a field mappings page. confirm that the "Fields" tab is still highlighted as active. confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Use a preset' is preselected Use the default mappings and press 'Continue' confirm that the preset was successfully applied confirm that you can see the new fields (image, title, caption) in the Fields table. Go to the 'Presets' tab in the secondary navigation. confirm that the "Presets" tab is highlighted as active. confirm that you can see the presets table confirm that there is a radio button for each preset which enables selecting the preset confirm that there is a delete option for each preset that was created by the user. confirm that there is an 'Import' button at the top of the page content area confirm that there is a 'Use preset' button at the bottom of the page content area Click on the 'Import' button confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can upload (import) a preset confirm that the "Presets" tab is highlighted as active. Attempt to import a preset. confirm that the preset is properly imported and after completing all steps you are redirected to the Presets page. In the Presets page, without selecting any preset from the table, press on the 'Use preset' button. confirm that a notification is displayed stating that no preset has been selected Select the preset created in step 12 (Preset 1) and press 'Save'. confirm that you are redirected to a field mappings page. confirm that the "Fields" tab is highlighted as active. confirm that only the action selector is present ('Create a new field', 'Import a preset', 'Use a preset') and 'Use a preset' is preselected Use the default mappings and press 'Continue' confirm that the preset was successfully applied confirm that you can see the field in the Fields page. Go back to the 'Presets' tab, click on the delete action for Preset 1 and confirm the delete action. confirm that the preset was successfully deleted. confirm that the preset no longer exists in the presets table Go to the 'Templates' tab in the secondary navigation. confirm that the "Templates" tab is highlighted as active.   confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List template', 'Single template' (preselected), 'Advanced search template', 'Add template', 'RSS template', 'CSS template', 'Javascript template'. Navigate to each option in the selector confirm that each time the correct template mode page is displayed confirm that there is a 'Save as preset' button confirm that there is a 'Export preset' button confirm that there is a 'Reset template' button at the bottom of the page confirm that there is a 'Save template' button at the bottom of the page confirm that there is a 'Enable editor' checkbox (enabled by default) at the bottom of the page (except for the 'CSS template' and 'Javascript template pages as they do not support editor mode) Click on the 'Save as preset' button confirm that a modal is displayed containing a form to save the fields and templates as preset. Repeat the actions from steps 9-12 confirm that everything works as expected. Click on the 'Export preset' button confirm that a zip of the preset is downloaded. Modify the existing template fields (textareas) (without saving the changes) and click on the 'Reset template' button confirm that the changes have been discarded. Modify the existing template fields once again and click on the 'Save template' button confirm that the changes have been saved. Uncheck the 'Enable editor' checkbox. confirm that the editor has been disabled for the given template mode. Now check the 'Enable editor' checkbox. confirm that a confirmation alert is displayed. Click on 'Cancel' in the confirmation action alert. confirm that the action wasn't applied and the editor is still disabled. Check the 'Enable editor' checkbox and confirm the action in the alert. confirm that the action was applied and the editor is now enabled for the given template mode. Go to the 'Database' tab. confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active.    confirm that there are no entries currently in the database activity. confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List view' (preselected) and 'Single view' confirm that there is a 'Add entry' button next to the selector element confirm that there is a 'Import entries' button confirm that you cannot see a 'Export entries' button (as there are no entries) Click on the 'Add entry' button confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can create a new database entry. confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. confirm that there are 3 action buttons on the page, 'Cancel', 'Save' and 'Save and add another' (in this particular order) Fill out the required form fields and click on 'Save' confirm that the database entry was successfully created. Go to the 'List view' mode in the Database tab confirm that you can now see an 'Export entries' button in addition to the existing action elements. Click on the 'Add entry' button again. In the Add entry page click on the 'Cancel' button confirm that you are redirected to the List view mode in the Database tab. From the view mode selector select 'Single view' confirm that you are redirected to the single view mode page. confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. ** confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List view' and 'Single view' ( preselected) confirm that there is a 'Import entries' button confirm that there is a 'Export entries' button Go on 'Add entry' and then click on 'Cancel' confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page Click on the edit button (settings cog) for the created database entry. confirm that you are redirected to an edit entry page. confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. ** confirm that you can see a 'Cancel' and 'Save' (in this particular order) action buttons at the bottom Click on 'Cancel' confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page. Click again on the edit button (settings cog) for the created database entry. Modify the database entry and press 'Save' confirm that the changes are successfully applied. confirm that you are redirected to the Single view mode page. Click on the 'Import entries' button confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can upload entries from a file. confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. ** Click on 'Cancel'. confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page in the Database tab. From the view mode selector select 'List view' Click on the 'Import entries' button and in the import entries page press Cancel. confirm that you are redirected back to the List view mode page in the Database tab. Click on the 'Import entries' button again, upload entries and submit the form. confirm that the entries were successfully imported. after completing all the steps confirm confirm you are redirected to the List view mode in the Database tab. Click on the Export entries button confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can export the database entries. confirm that the "Database" tab is highlighted as active. Click on 'Cancel'. confirm that you are redirected back to the List view mode page in the Database tab. From the view mode selector select 'Single view' Click on the Export entries button Click on 'Cancel'. confirm that you are redirected back to the Single view mode page in the Database tab. Click on the Export entries button again. Click on 'Export entries' in the export entries page confirm that a file is downloaded containing the entries in the defined format. Logout. Login as student Go to the database activity in the course. confirm that you cannot see the the secondary navigation menu confirm that there is a selector with the following options 'List view' (preselected) and 'Single view' confirm that there is a 'Add entry' button confirm that there is NOT a 'Import entries' button confirm that there is NOT a 'Export entries' button Click on the 'Add entry' button confirm that you are redirected to a page where you can create a new database entry. confirm that there are 3 action buttons on the page, 'Cancel', 'Save' and 'Save and add another' (in this particular order) Fill out the required form fields and click on 'Save' confirm that the database entry was successfully created. confirm that the database entry is present in the list of entries (List view) From the view selector, select 'Single view' confirm that you are redirected to the single view mode page. Wiki Login as admin Go to the wiki activity in the course confirm that 'Wiki' and 'Settings' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that there is a selector element with the following options: 'View' (preselected) 'Edit' 'Comments' 'History' 'Map' 'Files' 'Administration' With the 'View' action selected confirm that there is a 'Print' button present Click on the 'Print' button confirm that a print preview page is opened in a new tab. Select the 'Edit' action confirm that you are redirected to the edit page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Edit' is preselected) Modify the page content and press 'Save' confirm that the changes were successfully applied and you are redirected to the wiki 'View' action page in the Wiki tab. Select the 'Edit' action again from the selector. Now press Cancel. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki 'View' action page in the Wiki tab. Select 'Comments' from the action selector. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki comments page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Comments' is preselected) In the wiki comments page, click on the 'Add comment' link confirm you are redirected to the add wiki comment page confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is not present on this page Insert a comment and save the changes. confirm that the comment was successfully added and you are redirected to the wiki 'Comments' page Go back again to the add wiki comment page and now press 'Cancel' confirm that you are redirected back to the wiki 'Comments' page Delete an existing comment. (confirm the delete action) confirm that the comment was deleted and you are redirected to the wiki 'Comments' page Select 'History' from the action selector. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki history page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('History' is preselected) In the version history table, click on any version number link. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki 'Viewing page version' page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that there is a 'Back' button present. Click on the 'Back' button. confirm that you are redirected back to the wiki History page. Go a wiki 'Viewing page version' page once again and click on 'Restore this version' In the action confirmation page, press 'Yes' confirm that the version was correctly restored and you are redirected to the wiki 'View' page. Select 'History' from the action selector again and repeat 17-18, but this time press 'No' in the action confirmation page. confirm that you are redirected to the 'Viewing page version' page Select 'Map' from the action selector. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Map page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Map' is preselected) Select 'Files' from the action selector. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Files page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active. confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Files' is preselected) Click on the 'Edit wiki files' button confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Files page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is NOT present on this page Press 'Cancel' confirm that you are redirected to the wiki 'Files' page Go to the 'Edit wiki files' page again, upload a file and save the changes. confirm that the file was uploaded and you are redirected to the wiki 'Files' page Select 'Administration' from the action selector. confirm that you are redirected to the wiki Administration page. confirm that the 'Wiki' tab is highlighted as active confirm that the selector element ('View', 'Edit', ...) is present on this page ('Administration' is preselected) Log out Log in as a student. Go to the wiki activity in the course confirm that you cannot see the secondary navigation menu confirm that there is a selector element with the following options: 'View' (preselected) 'Edit' 'Comments' 'History' 'Map' 'Files' confirm that there is a 'Print' button present (wiki 'View' page is displayed) Repeat steps 3-21 and confirm that everything works as expected. File Login as admin Go to the file activity in the course confirm that 'File' and 'Settings' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu. confirm that the 'File' tab is highlighted as active confirm that a heading with the name of the file activity is not present in the page content area. Folder Login as admin Go to the folder activity in the course confirm that 'Folder' and 'Settings' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu. confirm that the 'Folder' tab is highlighted as active confirm that a heading with the name of the folder activity is not present in the page content area. confirm that there is an 'Edit' (primary) button at the top of the page content area Click on the 'Edit' button confirm that you are redirected to the Edit folder page. confirm that the 'Folder' tab is highlighted as active Login as a student. Go to the folder activity in the course confirm that there isn't a secondary navigation menu confirm that there is no 'Edit' button. H5P Login as admin Go to the H5p activity in the course confirm that 'H5P' and 'Settings', 'Attempts report' (in this particular order) are default displayed secondary navigation items, while the rest of the navigation items are placed under the 'More' menu. confirm that the 'H5P' tab is highlighted as active confirm that a heading with the name of the h5p activity is not present in the page content area. confirm that there isn't a 'View all attempts' link in the page content area. Click on the 'Attempts report' item in the secondary navigation confirm that you are redirected to the attempts report page. confirm that the 'Attempts report' tab is highlighted as active Login as a student. Go to the h5p activity in the course confirm that there isn't a secondary navigation menu. confirm that there isn't a link to the attempted report page. Complete the quiz and once finished reload the page. confirm that there is now a secondary navigation menu in the h5p activity confirm that 'H5P' and 'Attempts report' (in this particular order) are the only displayed secondary navigation items and there isn't a 'More' menu. confirm that the 'H5P' tab is highlighted as active confirm that there isn't a 'View all attempts' link in the page content area. Click on the 'Attempts report' item in the secondary navigation confirm that you are redirected to the  attempts report page. confirm that the 'Attempts report' tab is highlighted as active.
    • 1
    • Navigation push ahead, Navigation push 2, Navigation push 3, Navigation push 4

      Given the completion of MDL-71681 we will have the functionality for modules to define their own navigation outside of the primary & secondary navigation structures. Given the designs on figma we need to go through each module and either implement the new "tertiary" functionality or confirm that a module does not need to call the new functionality.

      This MDL is one of a set of 4 identical MDLs, this has been done to confirm that the workloads are near equal and so work can be done in parallel.

      This MDL is to review and implement the tertiary navigation for the following modules:

      1. Database
      2. Wiki
      3. File
      4. Folder
      5. H5P

        1. arithmetic-quiz.h5p
          761 kB
        2. Database_Screenshot1.png
          391 kB
        3. Database_Screenshot2.png
          527 kB
        4. Database_Screenshot3.png
          746 kB
        5. Database_Screenshot4.png
          458 kB
        6. Database_Screenshot5.png
          158 kB
        7. File_Screenshot.PNG
          103 kB
        8. Folder Test_Screenshot 1.png
          Folder Test_Screenshot 1.png
          86 kB
        9. H5P Test_Screenshot.png
          H5P Test_Screenshot.png
          261 kB
        10. Wiki Test_Screenshot 1.png
          Wiki Test_Screenshot 1.png
          444 kB
        11. Wiki Test_Screenshot 2.png
          Wiki Test_Screenshot 2.png
          223 kB
        12. Wiki Test_Screenshot 3.png
          Wiki Test_Screenshot 3.png
          573 kB

            Geshoski Mihail Geshoski
            mathewmay Mathew May
            Peter Dias Peter Dias
            Jake Dallimore Jake Dallimore
            Gladys Basiana Gladys Basiana
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 2 weeks, 2 days, 4 hours, 10 minutes
                2w 2d 4h 10m

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