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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-71914

Implement tertiary navigation for plugin set 3 of 4


    • MDL-71914-master-v3
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      Confirm behat tests passes.


      1. A user assigned to be a manager.
      2. A course with a glossary(Glossary1) and feedback(Feedback1) activity created.
      3. A student and teacher enrolled in the course
      4. As a teacher, populate the glossary with some entries.
      5. In site admin, enable the configs:
        1. ‘enablerssfeeds’
        2. ‘enableportfolio’
        3. 'glossary_enablerssfeeds'
      6. In Site Admin -> Manage Portfolio
        1. Set ‘File Download’ to ‘Enable and visible’


      1. As an admin go to the created course
      2. Turn on editing
      3. Click on the ‘Add an activity or resource’ link
      4. Choose glossary from the chooser
      5. Confirm the url contains the param ‘sr’
      6. Set the following:
        1. Name: Glossary2
        2. Approved by default: No
        3. Display format: Full with Author
        4. Completion tracking: ‘Do not indicate activity completion’
        5. Rss feed for this activity: “Concepts with author”
        6. Number of RSS recent articles - 2
      7. Click ‘Save and return to course’
      8. Confirm you are returned to the course and taken to the section that contains Glossary2
      9. Go to Glossary2
      10. Select the ‘Settings’ tab.
      11. Confirm the url does not contain the ‘sr’ param
      12. Go back to the course
      13. Click on the ‘Course’ tab
      14. Confirm the url does not contain the ‘sesskey’ param

      Glossary test

      1. Login as a student
      2. Go to Glossary1
      3. Confirm you see the ‘Add entry’ button and the ellipsis dropdown on the same line
      4. Confirm you the search text box along with the ‘Search full text’ checkbox
      5. Confirm the buttons/lists are aligned correctly with the rest of the content. NOTE: there may be some discrepancy with the right alignment with the existence of the old settings cog
      6. Confirm you see ‘Printer-friendly version’ in the ellipsis dropdown
      7. Click on ‘Printer-friendly version’ in the dropdown.
      8. Confirm you are taken to another printable page
      9. Confirm you do NOT see the ‘Import entries’ button.
      10. Add an entry (content doesn’t matter)
      11. Go to Glossary2
      12. Repeat #3-#10
      13. Confirm you see a dropdown to view the entries under different views
      14. Confirm the views change when the index in the dropdown changes.
      15. Confirm you see ‘RSS feeds’ in the ellipsis dropdown
      16. Confirm you see a generated xml file when you select ‘RSS feeds’
      17. Confirm you do not see activity completion information above add entry button.
      18. With the entry created, click on the ‘+’ icon
      19. Confirm it takes you to the export portfolio page
      20. Log in as a teacher
      21. Repeat #2-#8
      22. Confirm you see an ‘Import entries’ button
      23. Click on the button
      24. Confirm you are taken 'Import entries from XML file' form
      25. Confirm you see the glossary tab highlighted
      26. Click on the 'Glossary' tab
      27. Confirm you do NOT see a ‘Pending approval’ tab option
      28. Confirm you see an export option in the ellipsis dropdown
      29. Select the export option from the dropdown
      30. Confirm you are taken to the export page
      31. Confirm you see the 'Glossary' tab highlighted
      32. Go to Glossary2
      33. Repeat #3-#8
      34. Repeat #13-#17
      35. Confirm you see an ‘Import entries’ button
      36. Confirm you do see a ‘Pending approval’ tab option after the ‘settings’ tab
      37. Confirm you see an export option in the ellipsis dropdown
      38. Click on the ‘Pending approval’ tab
      39. Confirm the tab is set as active
      40. Confirm you can see the entries that require approval
      41. Approve the entries requiring approval.
      42. Confirm you still redirected to the same page with the tab still active
      43. Approve all entries requiring approval
      44. Confirm you can still see the pending approval tab
      45. Confirm there are no entries listed.

      Repeat above with Classic. Note: Tabs do not exist - skip these particular test instructions

      Additional classic test

      1. Log in as a student
      2. Add an entry in Glossary2
      3. Log in as a teacher
      4. Go to Glossary2
      5. Confirm you see the ‘Pending Approval(1)’ link on the main view page
      6. Click on the above link
      7. Confirm you see pending approval entries.
      8. Confirm you see ‘Pending approval’ in the breadcrumbs without a link
      9. Confirm you see ‘Pending approval’ in the heading above the title

      Feedback test

      1. Log in as an admin
      2. Go to Feedback1
      3. Confirm you see the ‘Edit questions’, ‘Preview Questions’ and ‘Answer the questions’ button
      4. Click on ‘Edit questions’
      5. Confirm you are taken to a page where you can see the following buttons/lists:
        1. Back button
        2. Dropdown with the options ‘Add question’, ‘Use a template’ and ‘Import questions’ with ‘Add question’ selected.
        3. A dropdown that lists the type of questions you can add
        4. Export questions button
        5. ‘Save as new template’ button.
      6. Add a question by selecting an option from #5.3
      7. Confirm you are taken to a page to enter content for the question
      8. Confirm the ‘Feedback’ tab remains selected
      9. Save changes
      10. Confirm you are redirected to the same page in #5
      11. Confirm you can see the new question in the list.
      12. Click ‘Back’ button
      13. Confirm you are taken back to the feedback view page.
      14. Click on Preview questions
      15. Confirm you are taken to a preview page of the feedback.
      16. Click Continue
      17. Confirm you are taken to a preview page of the feedback.
      18. Click on ‘Answer the questions’
      19. Confirm you can answer the questions.
      20. Answer the questions and submit
      21. Go back to the Feedback1 page
      22. Confirm you do not see the ‘Answer the questions’ button.
      23. Click on ‘Edit questions’
      24. Click on ‘Save as new template’
      25. Confirm you see a dialog popup to enter Name and specify whether it’s Public
      26. Enter the name ‘PrivateTemplate’ and save
      27. Click on ‘Save as new template’
      28. Repeat above to create PrivateTemplate3
      29. Enter the following and save
        1. Name - ‘PublicTemplate’
        2. Public - checked
      30. Click on ‘Save as new template’
      31. Repeat above to create PublicTemplate2,PublicTemplate3
      32. Select ‘Use a template’ from the #5.2 dropdown
      33. Confirm you see a list of templates
      34. Confirm you see PrivateTemplate listed under ‘Course’
      35. Confirm you see PublicTemplate listed under ‘Public’
      36. Confirm you do not see any delete icon against each entry
      37. Confirm the Feedback tab is still selected.
      38. Click on PrivateTemplate
      39. Confirm you’re taken a page which displays the content of PrivateTemplate
      40. Confirm you can see the following buttons:
        1. Back button
        2. Use template button
        3. Delete button
      41. Click ‘Back’ button
      42. Confirm you are taken back to the same page with the list of templates
      43. Confirm ‘Use a template’ is selected in the dropdown
      44. Click on PrivateTemplate
      45. Click on delete button
      46. Confirm you see a confirmation dialog
      47. Click on the ‘Yes’ button
      48. Confirm you are taken back to the same page with the list of templates
      49. Click on the PublicTemplate link
      50. Click on ‘Use this template’
      51. Confirm you see a dialog asking you ‘what you want to do’
      52. Select ‘Append new items’
      53. Click Save
      54. Confirm you are taken back to the page displaying a list of questions.
      55. Confirm you can see 2 questions
      56. Select ‘Use a template’ from the #5.2 dropdown
      57. Click on public template
      58. Click on ‘Use this template’
      59. Select ‘Delete old items’ and save
      60. Confirm you are taken back to the page displaying a list of questions.
      61. Confirm you can see 1 question
      62. Click on ‘Export questions’
      63. Confirm an xml gets downloaded
      64. Select ‘Import question’ from the #5.2 dropdown
      65. Confirm you are taken to the import page.
      66. Click ‘Back’ button
      67. Confirm you are taken back to the feedback view page.
      68. Click on the ‘Templates’ tab
      69. Confirm you see a list of templates
      70. Confirm you see the delete icon against the row(s)
      71. Repeat Use cases
      72. Go to the ‘Template’ tab
      73. Click the delete icon on PublicTemplate2
      74. Confirm you see a confirmation dialog
      75. Click yes to confirm
      76. Confirm the template has been deleted
      77. Confirm you are still on the templates page
      78. Confirm the template tab is still marked as active
      79. Confirm the PublicTemplate2 has been deleted
      80. Click on the PublicTemplate link
      81. Click on the ‘Delete’ button
      82. Repeat previous checks

      Role overrides check -

      You need 2 browsers or one with incognito. Continued from previous setup.

      1. In browser1, log in as admin
      2. In brownser2, log in as manager
      3. In browser1, go to the Site Admin > Users > Define Roles
      4. Edit the manager role
      5. Add the filter - ‘feedback:create’
      6. Disable the results and save
      7. In browser2, go to the feedback page
      8. Click on the ‘Edit questions’ page
      9. Confirm you do not see the ‘Save as new template’ button
      10. Confirm you can still see the templates tab
      11. Click on the templates tab
      12. Confirm you can still see delete icons against the listed ‘Course’ templates
      13. Confirm you can only delete Course templates
      14. Confirm you cannot delete Public templates
      15. Click on any public templates
      16. Confirm you do not see a delete button
      17. In Browser1, repeat #3-#5
      18. Set the following:
        1. createprivatetemplate - Enabled
        2. createpublictemplate - Disabled
      19. In Browser2, repeat#7-#8
      20. Confirm you see a ‘Save as new template’ button
      21. Click on the above button
      22. Confirm you see the same dialog as before without the ‘Public’ checkbox
      23. Enter some name and save
      24. Repeat #10-#15
      25. In browser1, go to the course page
      26. Go to the Participants > Permission page
      27. Set the following:
        1. Advanced role override - Manager
        2. Filter - ‘feedback:deletetemplate’
      28. Delete manager from the roles with Permissions
      29. In Browser2, go to the templates tab
      30. Confirm you cannot see any delete icons for BOTH Course and Public templates
      31. Click on the templates listed
      32. Confirm you don’t see the delete button in the individual template page
      33. In browser1, go to the Site Admin > Users > Define Roles
      34. Edit the manager role
      35. Search for - ‘feedback:deletetemplate’
      36. Disable the resultant capability and save
      37. repeat #25-#27
      38. Add manager to the delete capability
      39. In browser 2, go to the templates tab in the feedback
      40. Confirm you can see delete icons only for the Course templates and not public
      41. Click on any public template
      42. Confirm you do not see a delete button
      43. Log in as a teacher
      44. Go to the feedback page
      45. Click on the ‘Edit questions’ page
      46. Click on the ‘Save as new template’ button
      47. Confirm you do not see the Public checkbox on the modal form.
      48. Repeat #10-#16

      Testing as student

      Requires 2 browsers, 1 for student the other for the admin/manager/teacher

      1. In browser1, Log in as a student
      2. Go to the feedback page within the course
      3. Confirm you do not see the ‘Edit questions button’
      4. Confirm you do not see the analysis
      5. Click on ‘Answer the questions’
      6. Confirm you can answer the questions.
      7. Click the 'Cancel' button
      8. Confirm you are taken to the feedback view page
      9. Click on ‘Answer the questions’
      10. Answer the questions and submit
      11. Go back to the Feedback1 page
      12. Confirm you do not see the ‘Answer the questions’ button.
      13. Confirm you do see the ‘Preview questions’ button.
      14. Confirm you do not see the ‘Analysis’ tab

      Test Response and analysis reporting

      1. In browser2, login as admin
      2. Go to the feedback page within the course
      3. Update the settings to the following:
        1. Record user names - ‘User’s name will be logged and shown with answers’
        2. Show analysis page - Yes
      4. Go to the ‘Responses’ tab
      5. Confirm you see a dropdown with the following options:
        1. Show responses
        2. Show non-respondents
      6. Confirm there are no entries when ‘Show responses’ is selected
      7. Confirm the other participants are displayed when ‘Show non-respondents’ is selected
      8. Repeat #1-#9 of previous test
      9. Confirm you see the analysis tab
      10. Confirm you can see the feedback analysis when the tab is selected
      11. In browser2, go to the feedback page
      12. Click on the ‘Responses’ tab
      13. Confirm you see the student’s entry listed here
      14. Confirm the other participants are displayed when ‘Show non-respondents’ is selected

      Site level feedback

      1. Login as an admin
      2. Go to site home with editing turned on
      3. Add a feedback activity to site home page with default settings - SiteFeedback1
      4. Click on edit questions
      5. Add numeric question (content does not matter) by selecting it from the dropdown
      6. Click back button
      7. Confirm you do NOT see the 'Map feedback to courses' link
      8. Confirm you see the 'Mapped courses' tab

      Repeat all on classic and confirm no styling / functional issues. Tabs do not exist on classic so skip these steps.

      Additional classic tests


      Contd from above

      1. In browser 1, go to the feedback page
      2. Confirm you see a 'Submitted answers' link
      3. Confirm it takes you to the analysis page


      1. Go to the SiteFeedback view page
      2. Confirm you see a string 'Map feedback to courses'
      Confirm behat tests passes. Prerequisites: A user assigned to be a manager. A course with a glossary(Glossary1) and feedback(Feedback1) activity created. A student and teacher enrolled in the course As a teacher, populate the glossary with some entries. In site admin, enable the configs: ‘enablerssfeeds’ ‘enableportfolio’ 'glossary_enablerssfeeds' In Site Admin -> Manage Portfolio Set ‘File Download’ to ‘Enable and visible’ Testing: As an admin go to the created course Turn on editing Click on the ‘Add an activity or resource’ link Choose glossary from the chooser Confirm the url contains the param ‘sr’ Set the following: Name: Glossary2 Approved by default: No Display format: Full with Author Completion tracking: ‘Do not indicate activity completion’ Rss feed for this activity: “Concepts with author” Number of RSS recent articles - 2 Click ‘Save and return to course’ Confirm you are returned to the course and taken to the section that contains Glossary2 Go to Glossary2 Select the ‘Settings’ tab. Confirm the url does not contain the ‘sr’ param Go back to the course Click on the ‘Course’ tab Confirm the url does not contain the ‘sesskey’ param Glossary test Login as a student Go to Glossary1 Confirm you see the ‘Add entry’ button and the ellipsis dropdown on the same line Confirm you the search text box along with the ‘Search full text’ checkbox Confirm the buttons/lists are aligned correctly with the rest of the content. NOTE: there may be some discrepancy with the right alignment with the existence of the old settings cog Confirm you see ‘Printer-friendly version’ in the ellipsis dropdown Click on ‘Printer-friendly version’ in the dropdown. Confirm you are taken to another printable page Confirm you do NOT see the ‘Import entries’ button. Add an entry (content doesn’t matter) Go to Glossary2 Repeat #3-#10 Confirm you see a dropdown to view the entries under different views Confirm the views change when the index in the dropdown changes. Confirm you see ‘RSS feeds’ in the ellipsis dropdown Confirm you see a generated xml file when you select ‘RSS feeds’ Confirm you do not see activity completion information above add entry button. With the entry created, click on the ‘+’ icon Confirm it takes you to the export portfolio page Log in as a teacher Repeat #2-#8 Confirm you see an ‘Import entries’ button Click on the button Confirm you are taken 'Import entries from XML file' form Confirm you see the glossary tab highlighted Click on the 'Glossary' tab Confirm you do NOT see a ‘Pending approval’ tab option Confirm you see an export option in the ellipsis dropdown Select the export option from the dropdown Confirm you are taken to the export page Confirm you see the 'Glossary' tab highlighted Go to Glossary2 Repeat #3-#8 Repeat #13-#17 Confirm you see an ‘Import entries’ button Confirm you do see a ‘Pending approval’ tab option after the ‘settings’ tab Confirm you see an export option in the ellipsis dropdown Click on the ‘Pending approval’ tab Confirm the tab is set as active Confirm you can see the entries that require approval Approve the entries requiring approval. Confirm you still redirected to the same page with the tab still active Approve all entries requiring approval Confirm you can still see the pending approval tab Confirm there are no entries listed. Repeat above with Classic. Note: Tabs do not exist - skip these particular test instructions Additional classic test Log in as a student Add an entry in Glossary2 Log in as a teacher Go to Glossary2 Confirm you see the ‘Pending Approval(1)’ link on the main view page Click on the above link Confirm you see pending approval entries. Confirm you see ‘Pending approval’ in the breadcrumbs without a link Confirm you see ‘Pending approval’ in the heading above the title Feedback test Log in as an admin Go to Feedback1 Confirm you see the ‘Edit questions’, ‘Preview Questions’ and ‘Answer the questions’ button Click on ‘Edit questions’ Confirm you are taken to a page where you can see the following buttons/lists: Back button Dropdown with the options ‘Add question’, ‘Use a template’ and ‘Import questions’ with ‘Add question’ selected. A dropdown that lists the type of questions you can add Export questions button ‘Save as new template’ button. Add a question by selecting an option from #5.3 Confirm you are taken to a page to enter content for the question Confirm the ‘Feedback’ tab remains selected Save changes Confirm you are redirected to the same page in #5 Confirm you can see the new question in the list. Click ‘Back’ button Confirm you are taken back to the feedback view page. Click on Preview questions Confirm you are taken to a preview page of the feedback. Click Continue Confirm you are taken to a preview page of the feedback. Click on ‘Answer the questions’ Confirm you can answer the questions. Answer the questions and submit Go back to the Feedback1 page Confirm you do not see the ‘Answer the questions’ button. Click on ‘Edit questions’ Click on ‘Save as new template’ Confirm you see a dialog popup to enter Name and specify whether it’s Public Enter the name ‘PrivateTemplate’ and save Click on ‘Save as new template’ Repeat above to create PrivateTemplate3 Enter the following and save Name - ‘PublicTemplate’ Public - checked Click on ‘Save as new template’ Repeat above to create PublicTemplate2,PublicTemplate3 Select ‘Use a template’ from the #5.2 dropdown Confirm you see a list of templates Confirm you see PrivateTemplate listed under ‘Course’ Confirm you see PublicTemplate listed under ‘Public’ Confirm you do not see any delete icon against each entry Confirm the Feedback tab is still selected. Click on PrivateTemplate Confirm you’re taken a page which displays the content of PrivateTemplate Confirm you can see the following buttons: Back button Use template button Delete button Click ‘Back’ button Confirm you are taken back to the same page with the list of templates Confirm ‘Use a template’ is selected in the dropdown Click on PrivateTemplate Click on delete button Confirm you see a confirmation dialog Click on the ‘Yes’ button Confirm you are taken back to the same page with the list of templates Click on the PublicTemplate link Click on ‘Use this template’ Confirm you see a dialog asking you ‘what you want to do’ Select ‘Append new items’ Click Save Confirm you are taken back to the page displaying a list of questions. Confirm you can see 2 questions Select ‘Use a template’ from the #5.2 dropdown Click on public template Click on ‘Use this template’ Select ‘Delete old items’ and save Confirm you are taken back to the page displaying a list of questions. Confirm you can see 1 question Click on ‘Export questions’ Confirm an xml gets downloaded Select ‘Import question’ from the #5.2 dropdown Confirm you are taken to the import page. Click ‘Back’ button Confirm you are taken back to the feedback view page. Click on the ‘Templates’ tab Confirm you see a list of templates Confirm you see the delete icon against the row(s) Repeat Use cases Go to the ‘Template’ tab Click the delete icon on PublicTemplate2 Confirm you see a confirmation dialog Click yes to confirm Confirm the template has been deleted Confirm you are still on the templates page Confirm the template tab is still marked as active Confirm the PublicTemplate2 has been deleted Click on the PublicTemplate link Click on the ‘Delete’ button Repeat previous checks Role overrides check - You need 2 browsers or one with incognito. Continued from previous setup. In browser1, log in as admin In brownser2, log in as manager In browser1, go to the Site Admin > Users > Define Roles Edit the manager role Add the filter - ‘feedback:create’ Disable the results and save In browser2, go to the feedback page Click on the ‘Edit questions’ page Confirm you do not see the ‘Save as new template’ button Confirm you can still see the templates tab Click on the templates tab Confirm you can still see delete icons against the listed ‘Course’ templates Confirm you can only delete Course templates Confirm you cannot delete Public templates Click on any public templates Confirm you do not see a delete button In Browser1, repeat #3-#5 Set the following: createprivatetemplate - Enabled createpublictemplate - Disabled In Browser2, repeat#7-#8 Confirm you see a ‘Save as new template’ button Click on the above button Confirm you see the same dialog as before without the ‘Public’ checkbox Enter some name and save Repeat #10-#15 In browser1, go to the course page Go to the Participants > Permission page Set the following: Advanced role override - Manager Filter - ‘feedback:deletetemplate’ Delete manager from the roles with Permissions In Browser2, go to the templates tab Confirm you cannot see any delete icons for BOTH Course and Public templates Click on the templates listed Confirm you don’t see the delete button in the individual template page In browser1, go to the Site Admin > Users > Define Roles Edit the manager role Search for - ‘feedback:deletetemplate’ Disable the resultant capability and save repeat #25-#27 Add manager to the delete capability In browser 2, go to the templates tab in the feedback Confirm you can see delete icons only for the Course templates and not public Click on any public template Confirm you do not see a delete button Log in as a teacher Go to the feedback page Click on the ‘Edit questions’ page Click on the ‘Save as new template’ button Confirm you do not see the Public checkbox on the modal form. Repeat #10-#16 Testing as student Requires 2 browsers, 1 for student the other for the admin/manager/teacher In browser1, Log in as a student Go to the feedback page within the course Confirm you do not see the ‘Edit questions button’ Confirm you do not see the analysis Click on ‘Answer the questions’ Confirm you can answer the questions. Click the 'Cancel' button Confirm you are taken to the feedback view page Click on ‘Answer the questions’ Answer the questions and submit Go back to the Feedback1 page Confirm you do not see the ‘Answer the questions’ button. Confirm you do see the ‘Preview questions’ button. Confirm you do not see the ‘Analysis’ tab Test Response and analysis reporting In browser2, login as admin Go to the feedback page within the course Update the settings to the following: Record user names - ‘User’s name will be logged and shown with answers’ Show analysis page - Yes Go to the ‘Responses’ tab Confirm you see a dropdown with the following options: Show responses Show non-respondents Confirm there are no entries when ‘Show responses’ is selected Confirm the other participants are displayed when ‘Show non-respondents’ is selected Repeat #1-#9 of previous test Confirm you see the analysis tab Confirm you can see the feedback analysis when the tab is selected In browser2, go to the feedback page Click on the ‘Responses’ tab Confirm you see the student’s entry listed here Confirm the other participants are displayed when ‘Show non-respondents’ is selected Site level feedback Login as an admin Go to site home with editing turned on Add a feedback activity to site home page with default settings - SiteFeedback1 Click on edit questions Add numeric question (content does not matter) by selecting it from the dropdown Click back button Confirm you do NOT see the 'Map feedback to courses' link Confirm you see the 'Mapped courses' tab Repeat all on classic and confirm no styling / functional issues. Tabs do not exist on classic so skip these steps. Additional classic tests Analysis Contd from above In browser 1, go to the feedback page Confirm you see a 'Submitted answers' link Confirm it takes you to the analysis page Mappedcourses Go to the SiteFeedback view page Confirm you see a string 'Map feedback to courses'
    • 3
    • Navigation push ahead, Navigation push 2, Navigation push 3, Navigation push 4, Navigation push 6, Navigation push 7

      Given the completion of MDL-71681 we will have the functionality for modules to define their own navigation outside of the primary & secondary navigation structures. Given the designs on figma we need to go through each module and either implement the new "tertiary" functionality or confirm that a module does not need to call the new functionality.

      This MDL is one of a set of 4 identical MDLs, this has been done to confirm that the workloads are near equal and so work can be done in parallel.

      This MDL is to review and implement the tertiary navigation for the following modules:

      1. Feedback
      2. Glossary
      3. IMS Content Package
      4. Label
      5. Page

        1. Analysis_Screenshot.png
          95 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        2. confirmationpage.png
          55 kB
          Peter Dias
        3. Feedback_Screenshot1.png
          431 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        4. Feedback_Screenshot2.png
          428 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        5. Glossary Boost_Screenshot1.png
          474 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        6. Glossary Boost_Screenshot2.png
          504 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        7. Glossary Classic_Screenshot1.png
          499 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        8. Glossary Classic_Screenshot2.png
          608 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        9. Mappedcourses_Screenshot.PNG
          65 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        10. Role overrides check_Screenshot.png
          519 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        11. sample.patch
          0.6 kB
          Peter Dias
        12. Site level feedback_Screenshot.png
          107 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        13. successpage.png
          35 kB
          Peter Dias
        14. Testing_Screenshot.png
          198 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        15. Testing as student_Screenshot.png
          118 kB
          Gladys Basiana
        16. Test Response and analysis reporting_Screenshot.png
          263 kB
          Gladys Basiana

            peterdias Peter Dias
            mathewmay Mathew May
            Mihail Geshoski Mihail Geshoski
            Jake Dallimore Jake Dallimore
            Gladys Basiana Gladys Basiana
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 2 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 30 minutes
                2w 4d 1h 30m

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