Behat should test most of this. You may want to perform additional smoke testing too, if so then the following my be useful to you:
Go to Site administration > Appearance > User tours
Import the attached sampletour.json .
Enable the tour
Visit a course homepage.
Open the Browser developer tools
Open the console tab
Paste the following code:
const showLogs = (eventName, expectedCancelable, actualCancelable, expectedDetails, details) => {
window.console.log(`Caught ${eventName}`);
window.console.log(`Cancellable should be ${expectedCancelable}: ${actualCancelable}`);
window.console.log(`The event detail object should contain: ${expectedDetails}`);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/stepRender', e => {
showLogs('stepRender', true, e.cancelable, 'tour, stepConfig', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/stepRendered', e => {
showLogs('stepRendered', false, e.cancelable, 'tour, stepConfig', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/tourStart', e => {
showLogs('tourStart', true, e.cancelable, 'tour, startAt (Number)', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/tourStarted', e => {
showLogs('tourStarted', false, e.cancelable, 'tour, startAt (Number)', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/tourEnd', e => {
showLogs('tourEnd', true, e.cancelable, 'tour', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/tourEnded', e => {
showLogs('tourEnded', false, e.cancelable, 'tour', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/stepHide', e => {
showLogs('stepHide', true, e.cancelable, 'tour', e.detail);
document.addEventListener('tool_usertours/stepHidden', e => {
showLogs('stepHidden', false, e.cancelable, 'tour', e.detail);
Press next or previous on the tour and check the console:
Confirm that the details match each of the prompts
E.g. when a step is shown, you should see " Caught stepRender " and " Caught stepRendered " logs with the expected cancelable and contents of its details object. If a tour step is currently visible prior to going to the next tour step, you should also see " Caught stepHide " and " Caught stepHidden " events as well.
Clear the console.
End the tour
Check the console:
Confirm that the following events are logged: tourEnd, stepHide, stepHidden, and tourEnded.
Confirm that the details match each of the prompts
Clear the console once more.
Click "Reset user tour on this page" at the footer area of the page to restart the user tour.
Check the console:
Note: Resetting the tour is quite noisy... that's unrelated to this issue.
Confirm that logs include the following events: tourStart, stepRender, stepRendered, and tourStarted. (Ignore the stepHide and stepHidden logs)
Confirm that the details match each of the prompts