Resolution: Fixed
MDL-72237-master -
HQ Team International Sprint 5, HQ Team International Sprint 6, HQ Team International Sprint 7, HQ Team International Sprint 8, HQ Team International Sprint 9, HQ Team International Sprin 10, HQ Team International CI H2-21, HQ Team International CIH2-212
So that we don't have an infinite list of calendar events making long lists and taking up a lot of space, we need to compress events in the month view so they take up less vertical space, and also limit how many we are showing to users.
On the calendar page and "bigger" calendar block view, this involves:
- Reducing the vertical spacing between events (this appears to be achievable by setting the relevant CSS to line height 1, instead of its currently inherited 1.5).
- Limiting the list of events in any date to 5 items.
- If more than 5 items exist in a day, display the first 4 and add text below indicating how many more exist. For example, if there are 6 events, show 4 and have text reading "2 more".
- The "x more" text should be bold and displayed as a link, linking to the day view for the relevant date.
A mockup of how the above could look:
Discussed with michaelh , this ticket is going to only apply the limit to the main calendar in main region, no changes to calendars in the blocks.
In the "smaller" calendar block view, this involves:
Limiting the popover list of a day's events to 5 items.If more than 5 items exist in a day, display the first 4 in the popover, and add bold text below those with "x more" as above. If possible, those should link to the day calendar, though I believe there is an open bug relating to links not working here, if that's the case just include the text in bold (black). If possible in future, we can look at adding a link if necessary.
In all calendar blocks/main calendar:
Ensure all days are dis-played with the same height (rather than different rows being different if they have more events), and set an appropriate maximum height (taking into account other points above).
- is duplicated by
MDL-60674 limit the number of events shown at once
- Closed