Resolution: Unresolved
While we already had a few failures annotated in the "random failures" devpad... around the July 12, 2021 week these feedback scenarios have started to fail way more often, accounting ~ 30 failures over the last 3-4 weeks:
- Anonymous feedback in a course
- Non anonymous feedback in a course
- Anonymous feedback with groups in a course
- Non anonymous feedback with groups in a course
Split to MDL-72630:
- Import feedback deleting old items
- Import feedback appending new items
Some links to failed jobs:
- https://ci.moodle.org/job/S.03.03%20-%20Behat%20-%20Chrome%20+%20MariaDB%20(lowest)/658/
- https://ci.moodle.org/job/S.03.01%20-%20Behat%20-%20Chrome%20+%20Postgres/638/
All them seem to fail when asserting stuff from the result reports or while pressing a button:
001 Scenario: Anonymous feedback with groups in a course # /var/www/html/mod/feedback/tests/behat/groups.feature:154
And I should see "2 (50.00 %)" in the "Yes of course" "table_row" # /var/www/html/mod/feedback/tests/behat/groups.feature:231
"2 (50.00 %)" text was found in the "Yes of course" element but was not visible (Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException)
002 Scenario: Non anonymous feedback in a course # /var/www/html/mod/feedback/tests/behat/non_anonymous.feature:110
And I press "Yes" # /var/www/html/mod/feedback/tests/behat/non_anonymous.feature:161
Button matching locator "Yes" not found. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException)
Finally, note that all DBs seem affected, and all the failures reported till now are master (4.0) only.