Resolution: Fixed
MDL-72878-master -
We started to get failures in CI:
001 Scenario: Toggle the page limit 25 - 5 # /var/www/html/blocks/timeline/tests/behat/block_timeline_pagelimit_persistence.feature:49 |
And I click on "25" "button" in the "Timeline" "block" # /var/www/html/blocks/timeline/tests/behat/block_timeline_pagelimit_persistence.feature:58 |
element click intercepted: Element <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" data-action="limit-toggle" aria-label="Show 25 activities per page" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1634818070295_57">...</button> is not clickable at point (1063, 726). Other element would receive the click: <div>...</div> |
(Session info: headless chrome=94.0.4606.61) (Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\ElementClickInterceptedException) |
1 scenario (1 failed) |
19 steps (13 passed, 1 failed, 5 skipped) |
0m7.77s (77.61Mb) |
Strangely nothing was changed for example https://ci.moodle.org/job/W.03.01%20-%20Behat%20-%20Chrome%20+%20Postgres/1143/ is successful run and https://ci.moodle.org/view/Testing/job/DEV.01%20-%20Developer-requested%20Behat/17301/ are on the same commit but one passed and another fails
Fail is consistent locally and in CI. Changing windows size fixes the problem
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-71108 Failing behat scenarios after upgrading to Chrome 89 and up
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