Resolution: Fixed
MDL-73370-master -
The navigation when creating content in the content bank is not consistent. For instance, after creating and saving content, the "Course" element is selected in the secondary navigation menu.
Apart from that, it's not intuitive to go back to the main page of the content bank (the "Close" button can be used, but that's not consistent at all).
Based on the updated figma prototype (https://www.figma.com/proto/gHd0sjZCeq2Dog2pGugldo/Navigation?page-id=7078%3A38473&node-id=12366%3A258701&viewport=-350%2C2380%2C0.25&scaling=scale-down&hotspot-hints=0) in order to improve the navigation in the content bank, we need to:
- Update the header in the content bank pages. Currently the header text is inconsistent showing 'Content bank' or the name of the h5p activity, but we need to change it to be consistent and reflect the current context (ex. the course name in a given course context)
- In the content bank index page:
- Add 'Content back' as page heading in the content bank index page
- In the content bank view page:
- In the tertiary navigation we need to add:
- Edit' (primary) button aligned to the left
- 'More' dropdown menu (right next to the Edit button) containing the following options: 'Make unlisted', Rename, Replace with file, Download, Delete.
These options are available in a settings menu displayed in the header of the content back view page. This settings menu should be removed. - 'Exit' button (secondary) aligned to the right. Should behave as the 'Close' button and redirect back to the content bank index page
- The 'Edit' and 'Close' buttons should be removed from the bottom of the page.
- Add the file name as a page heading.
- In the tertiary navigation we need to add:
- In the content bank edit page:
- Remove the 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons from the top of the page and only leave the ones at the bottom