Resolution: Fixed
MDL-73415-master -
Navigation push 13, Navigation push 14
This is a followup to address any issues or any inconsistencies with the design prototype in the Forum activity.
Identified issues:
- Display an info notification in the forum view page when there are no discussion topics added yet (zero state)
https://www.figma.com/proto/gHd0sjZCeq2Dog2pGugldo/Navigation?page-id=8548%3A205996&node-id=8548%3A212199&viewport=261%2C48%2C0.02&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=8548%3A216330 - In the Subscriptions secondary navigation page, add headings for both View subscribers ("Subscribers") and Manage subscribers ("Manage subscribers") pages.
- Display a notification in the View subscribers page when there are no subscribers yet in the forum (zero state)
https://www.figma.com/proto/gHd0sjZCeq2Dog2pGugldo/Navigation?page-id=8548%3A205996&node-id=8548%3A212019&viewport=261%2C48%2C0.02&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=8548%3A216330 - Do not display the 'Manage subscribers' option in the tertiary navigation selector in 'Subscriptions' when forced subscription mode is selected (this is the existing behavior in 3.11). Also, in this case the we do not need to display the tertiary navigation selector element at all as only one item will is available which relates to the current page.
- Remove the subscription mode selector element from the 'Manage subscribers' page
- Remove the activity description from the Add new discussion topic (advanced) page.
- Add heading in the Add new discussion topic page (advanced)
- Update the breadcrumbs in the Add new discussion topic (advanced) page and add "Add discussion topic" to the breadcrumb trail
- When you access a given discussion topic, the settings dropdown menu should be changed to a dropdown button (right aligned) and should be vertically aligned with the rest of the selector elements (Display replies .. , Move discussion to...)
- Add heading in the Edit discussion topic page ("Edit discussion topic")
- Remove the activity description in the Edit discussion topic page
- Update the breadcrumbs in the Edit discussion topic page and add "Edit discussion topic" to the breadcrumb trail
- In the delete forum discussion page, highlight the 'Forum' item in the secondary navigation menu
- In the delete forum discussion page, remove the activity description and activity completion section.
- Update the breadcrumbs in the Add reply (advanced) page and add "Add reply" to the breadcrumb trail
- In the split discussion page (has to be reply in a discussion topic), highlight the "Forum" item in the secondary navigation menu.
- In the split discussion page, remove the activity description and the completion section
- Update the breadcrumbs in the Split discussion page and add a link to the parent discussion to the breadcrumb trail
- Move the heading below the forum selector element in the Reports page and update the heading to "Forum summary report"
- If there are no results in the reports page, display an info notification instead of the h4 heading.
- Found function forum_update_subscriptions_button stale, as it's not used anymore after the recent changes made in
MDL-71915. - The forum subscription when changed by the user, it redirects back to the forum tab. Instead, it should be there on the subscription page.
- Remove the following code as it is no longer required