Resolution: Fixed
3.9.12, 3.10.9, 3.11.5
MDL-73883-master -
This changes the comment syntax in the pretty output to show the actual step that was used instead of the exception check.
If the exception check passes, then return the result from the step that was actually called instead of the exception result.
This will make @stronk7 very happy.
Feature: Use core page resolvers for the I am on the page steps
In order to write tests correctly
As a developer
I need to have steps which take me straight to a page
Scenario Outline: When I am on a named page # admin/tool/behat/tests/behat/i_am_on_page.feature:58
Given I log in as "admin" # behat_hooks::i_look_for_exceptions()
When I am on the <identifier> page # behat_hooks::i_look_for_exceptions()
Then I should see "<shouldsee>" # behat_hooks::i_look_for_exceptions()
| description | identifier | shouldsee |
| Admin page | "Admin notifications" | Check for available updates |
| Home page | Homepage | Recently accessed courses |
2 scenarios (2 passed)
6 steps (6 passed)
0m8.72s (49.46Mb)
Feature: Use core page resolvers for the I am on the page steps
In order to write tests correctly
As a developer
I need to have steps which take me straight to a page
Scenario Outline: When I am on a named page # admin/tool/behat/tests/behat/i_am_on_page.feature:58
Given I log in as "admin" # behat_auth::i_log_in_as()
When I am on the <identifier> page # behat_navigation::i_am_on_page()
Then I should see "<shouldsee>" # behat_general::assert_page_contains_text()
| description | identifier | shouldsee |
| Admin page | "Admin notifications" | Check for available updates |
| Home page | Homepage | Recently accessed courses |
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-73899 Update moodle-behat-extension in core to comply with coding style and remove third-party tag
- Closed