Resolution: Unresolved
4.0, 4.1
Project size: Medium
Audience: All users
Target users: Teachers,
To improve the grading ux and increase the flexibility of the rubric functionality within Moodle
User Stories
User stories should be specific to each requirement and provide a clear view of what you want the improvement/new feature to accomplish.
As a teacher, currently in Moodle a single score must be put into each cell in the rubric leaving no flexibility within a grade level. For example if you have three scores 3, 7, 10 within your rubric - what happens if a student deserves a 4 or a 5. Unless you create more “levels” within a rubric, which gets very unwieldy on the screen, it is impossible to give students a ark within a range
As a teacher I should have the option of levels to have a band e.g. a range of scores (Poor 0-3, average 4-6, excellent 7 - 10). See screenshot 1 below as an example
As a teacher, I should be able to see the total score of a student for a particular assignment as I am grading a student. Currently I need to click “save” before the total score is calculated and made visible. See screenshot 2 below as an example
Links to existing tracker issues, forum discussions, contrib plugins
Moodle tracker related item
Improved UI
Formative Rubrics with criteria weighting
Scales within criteria
Displaying grade
... Include mockups, screenshots from similar products, links to demo sites ...
Further reading
Screen 1: Grading interface mockup illustrating the sliding scale interface for each criteria on the rubric
If the slide scale is from 0-10 for example with 0-3 being Poor, 4-6 OK, 7-8 Good and 9-10 Outstanding. The teacher would see four points on the scale but in actual fact there would be ten points on that scale where the user could place the marker. To help ensure accessibility via a screen reader 1 to 4 for Poor, 1 to 3 OK, 1 to 2 Good and 1 to 2 Outstanding
Screen 2: Grading interface mockup illustrating the “live” score as the lecturer is grading
AS the teacher changes the position of the slider on each criteria the grade highlighted by the circle in the image, updates
Note - if the calculated score of rubric is overridden by the teacher, the score should be highlighted in a different colour to the teacher (similar to gradebook). If the teacher returns to mark the work later and readjusts the rubric slider - a note pops up - “are you sure you want to update the grade?” and then the new calculated score is inserted