Resolution: Fixed
4.0, 4.3
MDL-74301-master -
Following MDL-73915, it would make sense to upgrade Eslint and audit all existing rules.
This includes:
- Remove plugins already included into current "@babel/preset-env":
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings"
- "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"
- "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta"
- Upgrade "eslint" to latest version
- Replace "eslint-plugin-babel" (depreacted in 2019) with "@babel/eslint-parser" and "@babel/eslint-plugin"
Eslint changes:
- Use 'eslint:recommended' and make it pass with no errors having minimum possible number of rules defined in .eslintrc file.
All removed rules need to be audited in a way:
- deprecated rules needs to be removed (may be with help of sarbbottam/eslint-find-rules)
- those covered by "eslint:recommended" set also can be removed from explicit listing if they match recommeded value
- only additionally required rules to complay with coding style should remain
- while auditing rules, consider using 'plugin:promise/recommended' and 'plugin:jsdoc/recommended'
- finally, add 'reportUnusedDisableDirectives' eslint setting - this will help to clean up unused /* eslint-disable... */ statements
- has to be done after
MDL-73915 Bump NodeJS version, dependencies, and update JS build process, drop IE support
- Closed