With the introduction of Moodle 4.0 the ability to indent activities to provide a visual structure was removed.
Reasons for this are discussed in the Moodle forums and further elaborated on in MDL-74846.
Feedback on the removal of indentation shows that there is a clear use case for teachers wanting to provide more granular structure in their courses than sections alone.
This issue captures the need for a formal and semantic hierarchy within the course.
Some of the criteria that need to be met are:
- The hierarchy needs to be accessible, so that the meaning of the structure is conveyed also to users of assistive technologies
- It needs to work well on desktop as well as mobile screens
- It needs to align with the Moodle 4.0 design direction
Possible option to explore is e.g. flexible sections course format.
Prior to any development this needs further research into the use case and design to optimise the UX.