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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-75199

BigBlueButton is a blocker in upgrade to 4.0


    • MDL-75199-master
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      Create a new BigblueButton activity B1:

      • Create a recording by joining the course and recording for at least 10 seconds.
      • End the meeting.
      • Run the cron
      • Ensure that the recording is displayed on the room page

      Look into the mdl_bigbluebuttonbn table and fetch meetingid, courseid and id values for the current activity.

      Then add the following log into the mdl_bigbluebuttonbn_logs table:

      INSERT INTO mdl_bigbluebuttonbn_logs (courseid, bigbluebuttonbnid, userid, timecreated, meetingid, log, meta) VALUES (<courseid>, <bbbid>, 2, 1648585713, '<meetingid>', 'Create', '{\"record\":true}');

      Run the script:

      Now run the cli script and force the recovering of the recording:

      php mod/bigbluebuttonbn/cli/migrate_recordings.php -f

      It should go through all previous logs and bigbluebutton activities and fetch missing recordings.

      Processing BigbluebButton Test completion(id:2), in course Completion Test(id:3)....
              ->No meetings logs found...
      Processing BigbluebButton B1(id:XXX), in course C1(id:4)....
              ->Processing meeting ID XXXXXX ...recordingsExecuting mod_bigbluebuttonbn\task\upgrade_recordings_task for meeting XXXXXX...


      1. Ensure that the activity displays the recording
      2. Ensure that the script mentions the activity as "Processing meeting ID"..
      Preparation Create a new BigblueButton activity B1: Create a recording by joining the course and recording for at least 10 seconds. End the meeting. Run the cron Ensure that the recording is displayed on the room page Look into the mdl_bigbluebuttonbn table and fetch meetingid, courseid and id values for the current activity. Then add the following log into the mdl_bigbluebuttonbn_logs table:   INSERT INTO mdl_bigbluebuttonbn_logs (courseid, bigbluebuttonbnid, userid, timecreated, meetingid, log, meta) VALUES (<courseid>, <bbbid>, 2, 1648585713, '<meetingid>' , 'Create' , '{\"record\":true}' ); Run the script: Now run the cli script and force the recovering of the recording: php mod/bigbluebuttonbn/cli/migrate_recordings.php -f It should go through all previous logs and bigbluebutton activities and fetch missing recordings. Processing BigbluebButton Test completion(id:2), in course Completion Test(id:3).... ->No meetings logs found... .... Processing BigbluebButton B1(id:XXX), in course C1(id:4).... ->Processing meeting ID XXXXXX ...recordingsExecuting mod_bigbluebuttonbn\task\upgrade_recordings_task for meeting XXXXXX... Tests: Ensure that the activity displays the recording Ensure that the script mentions the activity as "Processing meeting ID"..

      Two issue noted during update from 3.11.8 (20220711) to Moodle 4.0.2 (20220711).
      The plugin mod_bigbluebuttonbn 2.4.7 (2019101014) being already installed in Moodle 3.11.8.

      1. An error message (Field "recording" does not exist in table "bigbluebuttonbn_recordings"). This blocks the upgrade but seems to be happening only if the bigbluebuttonbn_recordings table already exists (maybe a partial upgrade to a 3.0 version of the bigbluebutton plugin).
      2. At the end of the upgrade process all recordings are missing.

      Note: the error message mentionned in (1) is the following:

      Field "recording" does not exist in table "bigbluebuttonbn_recordings"

      More information about this error

      Debug info:
      Error code: ddlfieldnotexist × Dismiss this notification
      Stack trace:
      line 683 of /lib/ddl/database_manager.php: ddl_field_missing_exception thrown
      line 356 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/db/upgrade.php: call to database_manager->rename_field()
      line 883 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to xmldb_bigbluebuttonbn_upgrade()
      line 582 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins_modules()
      line 1935 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
      line 719 of /admin/index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()

        1. upgrade_1.PNG
          234 kB
        2. upgrade_3.PNG
          132 kB
        3. upgrade_4.PNG
          231 kB
        4. upgrade_2.PNG
          240 kB
        5. upgrade_5.PNG
          178 kB
        6. MDL-75199_master.png
          194 kB
        7. MDL-75199_v400.png
          191 kB

            lmdavid Laurent DAVID
            krause Ralf Krause
            Shamiso Jaravaza Shamiso Jaravaza
            Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            Angelia Dela Cruz Angelia Dela Cruz
            3 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 3 hours, 10 minutes
                3h 10m

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