New Feature
Resolution: Done
HQ Team Alpha - Sprint 0.2
Given the Gradebook figma, We have a lot of different places that appear to have a common component. This component essentially takes the entire average across the presented dataset within a page and includes it near the top of the page within the Page header / Tertiary navigation area. Instead of leaving this requirement inside of each gradebook issue as a bonus goal, we’ll have it all handled here.
These averages should be within each table as we currently display such information within existing report types. What we want to do here is replicate that information at the top of the page.
Across the different gradebook reports and pages. These averages can be anything from Course average which is an average of course averages, Course total or a users’ average grade across modules within a course.
- Implement the appropriate grade average calculation that will be used later on Grader report and User report pages
- Document this functionality in case third party requests to make similar plugins
- Unit testing of the new component that passes
Out of scope:
- Creation of each report that this average is being added to
- Implementation not required within each modules’ grade page
- Frontend rendering of the new component