Resolution: Fixed
3.11.9, 4.0.3, 4.0.5, 4.1
Team Hedgehog Sprint 1.2
1) Teacher adds an Assignment to course - activating the option to add additional attempts manually
2) Student submits an assignment.
3) Teacher grades the assignment, and decides to allow another attempt
Current behaviour:
Student's Timeline does NOT inform the student that the Assignment is (again) due.
Expected behaviour:
Student's Timeline SHOULD inform the student that the Assignment is (again) due.
(This would be compatible with the Assignment completion criterion "To do: Make a submission" which CORRECTLY resets from "Done" to "To do" after another attempt is granted).
A workaround (as tested in Moodle 3.11.8 and 4.03) - not very smart and using a not very recommended option to unlock completion data:
- Use the assignment completion criteria - when conditions are met: make sure the "Student must submit to this assignment" criterion IS checked.
- After grading attempt n and allowing another attempt n+1 for the student - open the assignment settings, Unlock the assignment completion data, and re-save the assignment settings.
- From my experience this should force the student's Timeline to show the activity as in need of submitting.
I believe Moodle Assignment should do the above automatically (even without the completion criteria explicitly activated and tracked), and add the to-do submission task (new attempt required) to the student's Timeline.