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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-76895

Course bulk edit: add fast selections to the bulk editing


    • MDL-76895-master
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      Most alt/shift-click actions are covered by behat tests.

      Manual test: switch selection

      (this test cannot be covered by behat)

      1. Create a course with at least 4 sections and some activities in Topics 1 and 2 (important: Topic 1 is the one after the General section. The General section cannot be selected so it is not part of the test).
      2. Login as a teacher and enable editing
      3. Click on the "bulk edit" button
      4. Select one activity from section 1 and one from section 2.
      5. Do ALT+Click (Option+click in Mac) on "Select all" label in the sticky footer
        1. Check that section 1 and section 2 are now selected.
        2. Check activities are not selected anymore.
      6. Do ALT+Click (Option+click in Mac) on "Select all" label in the sticky footer
        1. Check all activities form Topics 1 and 2 are now selected
        2. Check Topics are not selected anymore
      Most alt/shift-click actions are covered by behat tests. Manual test: switch selection (this test cannot be covered by behat) Create a course with at least 4 sections and some activities in Topics 1 and 2 ( important : Topic 1 is the one after the General section. The General section cannot be selected so it is not part of the test). Login as a teacher and enable editing Click on the "bulk edit" button Select one activity from section 1 and one from section 2. Do ALT+Click (Option+click in Mac) on "Select all" label in the sticky footer Check that section 1 and section 2 are now selected. Check activities are not selected anymore. Do ALT+Click (Option+click in Mac) on "Select all" label in the sticky footer Check all activities form Topics 1 and 2 are now selected Check Topics are not selected anymore
    • 2
    • HQ 2023 Sprint i1.2 Moppies

      Even if MDL-76783 covers all the basic section and activities selections. There are some advanced features that can improve the selection UX by adding more advanced ways to select.

      Some of the proposed improvements are:

      • Save the last selected item so doing shif+click on another section/activity can select all in-between elements also. This is quite common in many list selections UIs
      • Shift+Alt+click on a section/cm switches to the sections selection and vice-versa. This will be a quick way to switch between activities and section selection.
      • Alt+click on an activity can select or unselect all activities in that section with a single click.
      • Alt+click on a section selects or unselect all sections

        1. boost.gif
          301 kB
        2. classic.gif
          521 kB

            tusefomal Ferran Recio
            tusefomal Ferran Recio
            Carlos Escobedo Carlos Escobedo
            Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            Ron Carl Alfon Yu Ron Carl Alfon Yu
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            4 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 3 days, 6 hours, 31 minutes
                3d 6h 31m

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