Resolution: Fixed
4.1.1, 4.2
We are getting a consistent Behat failure related to BBB when running the "I can delete a recording" scenario on Firefox + Classic theme.
001 Scenario: I can delete a recording # /home/simey/moodles/integration_master/moodle/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/tests/behat/recordings.feature:64
When I click on "a[data-action='delete']" "css_element" in the "Recording 1" "table_row" # /home/simey/moodles/integration_master/moodle/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/tests/behat/recordings.feature:67
Element <a id="recording-delete-c885146627c8ee7a51a6bfc643cad2b2-1479207059114325220" class="action-icon" href="#"> is not clickable at point (1354,11) because another element <html class="yui3-js-enabled"> obscures it (Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\ElementClickInterceptedException)
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-77286 Various Behat failures related to BigBlueButton (Part 2)
- Closed