Resolution: Fixed
3.11.12, 4.0.7, 4.1.1
MDL-77387_master -
The UI to copy a course introduced with MDL-64843 is a welcome improvement.
If I grant a teacher (role editingteacher for example) the capabilities moodle/course:create, moodle/backup:backupcourse and moodle/restore:restorecourse this user can already duplicate courses in the traditional way, so it is only natural to give them also the ability to use the copy course UI.
Nevertheless presently I need to add the capability course:view to enable the copy course UI.
I would like to propose to remove this last requirement.
This would have the benefit, that teachers copying their own course are also automatically enrolled with the manual enrolment in their copied course (with the role defined in $CFG->creatornewroleid which defaults to editingteacher), exactly like when they create a new course (having the capability moodle/course:create set to allowed).
A manager or administrator would still (as expected) not be enrolled, since they do normally have the capability moodle/course:view (see function define_execution of restore_fix_restorer_access_step).
I do know that teachers coping their courses are still able to reach the course per link and enrol themselves, but this is inconvenient and fiddly. And for privacy reasons I might not want to grant teachers the other capabilities to preserve enrolments when copying. Why though avoid enrolling them as teachers?