Resolution: Fixed
The goal is to add a behat test to verify that users can navigate and use the preferences page.
QA test to be automated: MDLQA-8139
QA testing instructions
- Log in as the admin and click "Preferences" in the user menu
- Click each one of the links on the page and check:
- that the navigation breadcrumb starts with 'Preferences /'. The setting for changing the default home page is located at [Site administration ► Appearance ► Navigation] in the Administration menu.
- That the header of each of these pages has the user's profile picture (if set), and name. The header is located below the navigation breadcrumb.
- Try resizing your browser window and check that for a width less than 768, all preferences are displayed in one column.
- Go to a course and click on 'Participants' in the navigation menu then click on a student name.
- Under 'Administration' click on 'Preferences'.
- Click each one of the links on the page and check:
- That the navigation breadcrumb starts with 'Users \ {user} \ Preferences'.
- That the header of each of these pages has the student's picture (if set), and name. The header is located below the navigation breadcrumb.
- Enable event monitoring [Site administration ► Reports ► Event monitoring rules].
- Add a new rule.
- Click "Preferences" in the user menu.
- You should now see a category called Misc and a link to 'Event monitoring'. Click that link.
- Notice a rule that you can subscribe to. If not then use the select box to 'Select a course' and find the rule that way.
- Go to a course, click on 'Participants' in the navigation menu, and click on a student name.
- Under 'Administration' click on 'User [username] preferences'.
- Notice that there is no link for the administrator to change the student's event monitor subscriptions.
- will help resolve
MDLQA-8139 Users can navigate and use the preferences page
- Open