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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-78481

Multi-language filter v2 not working properly for matching questions in a lesson


    • MDL-78481-401
    • MDL-78481-master
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      The chosen filter for this test will be filter_multilang2, so you should have installed it previously.


      • Navigate to /admin/filters.php and enable the multilang2 filter with the applied to option set to "Content"
      • Install a language pack such as Japanese (Used in testing instructions for shorthanding)


      1. Create a Lesson module.
      2. Add a Question page to the lesson (type: matching).
      3. Add at least two Matching pairs with the appropriate settings in bold: 
        1. Answer: Offer a greeting Matches with: {mlang en}Welcome{mlang} {mlang ja}ようこそ{mlang}
        2. Answer: Offer a farewell Matches with: {mlang en}Goodbye{mlang} {mlang ja}
      1. Save page and preview it.
      2. Select one of the drop downs
      3. Confirm You see in any order:
        1. Welcome
        2. Goodbye
      4. In a new tab on the site, change your language to Japanese
      5. In the original tab, reload the page
      6. Select one of the drop downs
      7. Confirm You see in any order:
        1. ようこそ
        2. さよなら
      The chosen filter for this test will be filter_multilang2 , so you should have installed it previously. Setup: Navigate to /admin/filters.php and enable the multilang2 filter with the applied to option set to "Content" Install a language pack such as Japanese (Used in testing instructions for shorthanding) Test: Create a Lesson module. Add a Question page to the lesson (type: matching). Add at least two Matching pairs with the appropriate settings in bold:  Answer : Offer a greeting Matches with: {mlang en}Welcome{mlang} {mlang ja}ようこそ{mlang} Answer : Offer a farewell Matches with: {mlang en}Goodbye{mlang} {mlang ja} さよなら{mlang} Save page and preview it. Select one of the drop downs Confirm You see in any order: Welcome Goodbye In a new tab on the site, change your language to Japanese In the original tab, reload the page Select one of the drop downs Confirm You see in any order: ようこそ さよなら

      I am using Moodle v. 4.1, Build 20221128.

      When using the multi-language content v2, I see problems in the Lesson activity when I use Matching questions. As an example, when creating the Matching question I input the following in the "Answer" field:

      {mlang en}Day luminary{mlang}{mlang es}Luminaria de día{mlang}

      This field shows up ok in the question. This works fine. However...

      The "Matches with answer" field has the following:{mlang en}


      {mlang es}


      For some reason the system does not recognize the tags and the field displays the whole text for English and Spanish including the tags codes when viewing the question drop down options. 

      I have checked and posted the problem in the multi-languagev2 forum and I was told that it was extremely likely that it was a bug in the lesson module. I searched the tracking and could not find an existing or closed issue. I would really appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue.




            Kepa Kepa Urzelai
            quiqueb José E. Balcells
            Jordi Pujol-Ahulló Jordi Pujol-Ahulló
            Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            Ron Carl Alfon Yu Ron Carl Alfon Yu
            2 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 5 hours, 56 minutes
                5h 56m

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