Resolution: Fixed
WP Sprint 2023-I2.3 (Clones), WP Sprint 2023-I3.0 (Clones)
- Create a new Web Service to retrieve system reports.
- This new WS will require the same parameters as the system_report_factory::create method
- The new WebService/s will be integrated into Moodle LMS 4.3
- The previous will allow us to retrieve any system report (intended for users) in the future
- It is important to mention that some system reports return HTML such as labels with bootstrap classes or pre-rendered html
- System reports support further actions via a settings cog icon (available mostly in Workplace), this won't be initially supported
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-74956 New Web Service core_reportbuilder_retrieve_report
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-78844 New Web Service to check access to a system report (core_reportbuilder_can_view_system_report)
- Closed
- will help resolve
IDEA-136 Initial support for System reports in Workplace App
- Closed