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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-78549

cloze question: Correct answer is not displayed


    • MDL-78549-401
    • MDL-78549-master
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      • Test in different supported browsers.
      • Test on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. (Using BrowserStack might help)
      • The popover trigger buttons can't seem to be tabbed onto on Safari so the feedback popovers can only be displayed by clicking the trigger buttons.
      1. Log in as an admin and restore the attached multianswerquizcourse.mbz
      2. Enrol students in the test course.
      3. As a student, attempt the Multi-answer quiz
      4. Submit and finish the quiz.
      5. Review the attempt.
      6. Tab through the feedback icons for the select or text input answer field (✅ or ❌).
        • Note: The feedback for multiple-choice subquestions (the ones in radio buttons) is not shown in a popover but is already shown right after the subquestion.
      7. Confirm that a popover containing the answer field's feedback is being shown.
      8. Repeat the last two testing steps by
        • Clicking on the feedback icons
        • Hovering (mouse over) on the feedback icons
      Notes: Test in different supported browsers . Test on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. (Using BrowserStack might help) The popover trigger buttons can't seem to be tabbed onto on Safari so the feedback popovers can only be displayed by clicking the trigger buttons. Log in as an admin and restore the attached multianswerquizcourse.mbz Enrol students in the test course. As a student, attempt the Multi-answer quiz Submit and finish the quiz. Review the attempt. Tab through the feedback icons for the select or text input answer field (✅ or ❌). Note: The feedback for multiple-choice subquestions (the ones in radio buttons) is not shown in a popover but is already shown right after the subquestion. Confirm that a popover containing the answer field's feedback is being shown. Repeat the last two testing steps by Clicking on the feedback icons Hovering (mouse over) on the feedback icons

      This is the result using Moodle vanilla 4.1 code.
      1. Create a course and enrol a student user.
      2. Turn edit mode to On.
      3. Add a quiz.
      4. Add questions

      • True/false (make answer as True)
      • Embedded Answers (Cloze)
        question text: cloze text {:MULTICHOICE:ABC~=DEF~GHI}
        click Decode and verify the question text
        Ensure and tick all the review options "Immediately after the attempt"
        5. Log in as student and attempt answer False in first question and choose GHI in the second question.
        6 Submit and finish.

      RESULT: The true/false question correctly displays the answer. However, for the cloze question, there is no tooltip to hover mouse. I also hovered on the x icon but it only shows Incorrect.

       Even updating the question text to cloze text {:MULTICHOICE:ABC#wrong~=DEF#good~GHI#wrong} does not show the feedback or correct answer. 

            jpataleta Jun Pataleta
            jebarvia Joshua Ebarvia
            Tim Hunt Tim Hunt
            Huong Nguyen Huong Nguyen
            Kim Jared Lucas Kim Jared Lucas
            4 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 4 hours, 38 minutes
                4h 38m

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