Resolution: Fixed
4.0.9, 4.1.4, 4.2.1, 4.3
This is a follow-up from MDL-77286 to investigate and fix some random failures related to JS timeouts in some BBB behat scenarios:
I can delete a recording
001 Scenario: I can delete a recording # /var/www/html/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/tests/behat/recordings.feature:64
Then I should not see "Recording 1" # /var/www/html/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/tests/behat/recordings.feature:68
Javascript code and/or AJAX requests are not ready after 10 seconds. There is a Javascript error or the code is extremely slow (amd-modal-js-pending-id-0). If you are using a slow machine, consider setting $CFG->behat_increasetimeout. (Exception)
Failed builds
I check that I can import recordings from a deleted instance into the Recording activity and then if I delete them they are back into the pool to be imported again
001 Scenario: I check that I can import recordings from a deleted instance into the Recording activity and then if I delete them
they are back into the pool to be imported again # /var/www/html/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/tests/behat/recordings_import.feature:84
And I wait until the page is ready # /var/www/html/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/tests/behat/recordings_import.feature:108
Javascript code and/or AJAX requests are not ready after 10 seconds. There is a Javascript error or the code is extremely slow (amd-modal-js-pending-id-0). If you are using a slow machine, consider setting $CFG->behat_increasetimeout. (Exception)