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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-78618

Very poor performance on my/courses.php


    • MySQL, PostgreSQL
    • MDL-78618_401
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      Edit file:


      at line 3199 and add a:

      return null;

      to emulate that no subcategory was found with the given capabilities.

      It will only work if the $parentcat category has the capabilities.

      The patch should show something like this:

      --- a/course/classes/category.php
      +++ b/course/classes/category.php
      @@ -3196,6 +3196,9 @@ class core_course_category implements renderable, cacheable_object, IteratorAggr
                   return $parentcat;
      +        // TODO: hack until performance from below is improved.
      +        return null;
               // Get all course category contexts that are children of the parent category's context where
               // a) there is a role assignment for the current user or
               // b) there are role capability overrides for a role that the user has in this context.

      Edit file: course/classes/category.php at line 3199 and add a: return null; to emulate that no subcategory was found with the given capabilities. It will only work if the $parentcat category has the capabilities. The patch should show something like this: --- a/course/classes/category.php +++ b/course/classes/category.php @@ -3196,6 +3196,9 @@ class core_course_category implements renderable, cacheable_object, IteratorAggr return $parentcat; } + // TODO: hack until performance from below is improved. + return null; + // Get all course category contexts that are children of the parent category's context where // a) there is a role assignment for the current user or // b) there are role capability overrides for a role that the user has in this context.
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      1. Login as admin.
      2. Navigate to Site Administration > Development > Debugging.
      3. Turn on the Performance info (checked).
      4. Copy maketestcategoriesandusers.php to admin/tool/generator/cli/maketestcategoriesandusers.php
      5. Run CLI:

      php admin/tool/generator/cli/maketestcategoriesandusers.php

      to create ~4000 course categories and 1000 test users. The script automatically assigns all users but the first one (testuser1) to a new test role in each course category.


      1. Login as testuser1 with password 123456.
      2. Run CLI: php admin/cli/purge_caches.php.
      3. Navigate to /my/courses.php.
      4. Note the time used in the footer. Example: 3.305101 secs.
      5. Logout.
      6. Apply the patch.
      7. Login as testuser1 with password 123456.
      8. Run CLI: php admin/cli/purge_caches.php.
      9. Navigate to /my/courses.php.
      10. Note the time used in the footer. Example: 0.480186 secs.
      11. Verify that the time used with patch is smaller than the time used without patch.
      Setup Login as admin. Navigate to Site Administration > Development > Debugging. Turn on the Performance info (checked). Copy maketestcategoriesandusers.php to admin/tool/generator/cli/maketestcategoriesandusers.php Run CLI: php admin/tool/generator/cli/maketestcategoriesandusers.php to create ~4000 course categories and 1000 test users. The script automatically assigns all users but the first one (testuser1) to a new test role in each course category. Testing Login as testuser1 with password 123456. Run CLI: php admin/cli/purge_caches.php. Navigate to /my/courses.php. Note the time used in the footer. Example: 3.305101 secs. Logout. Apply the patch. Login as testuser1 with password 123456. Run CLI: php admin/cli/purge_caches.php. Navigate to /my/courses.php. Note the time used in the footer. Example: 0.480186 secs. Verify that the time used with patch is smaller than the time used without patch .

      We are facing a very poor performance on my/courses.php for users with role student or teacher, in general, with those users without the capability to create/manage courses.

      In our test environment with Moodle 4.1.4+ (Build: 20230623) (2022112804.03), including the MDL-76174 from May 30th, 2023, when a user without the 'create' capability goes to my/courses.php, in line 74 it calls to core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create'])). Then, this method resolves after 3 minuts of execution time this SQL, generated by the course/classes/category.php:3199 (aprox).

      As a sample SQL:

      SELECT cc.id,
             ctx.id           AS ctxid,
             ctx.path         AS ctxpath,
             ctx.depth        AS ctxdepth,
             ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,
             ctx.instanceid   AS ctxinstance,
             ctx.locked       AS ctxlocked
      FROM mdl_course_categories cc
               JOIN mdl_context ctx ON cc.id = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40'
               LEFT JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id
               LEFT JOIN mdl_role_capabilities rc ON rc.contextid = ctx.id
               LEFT JOIN mdl_role_assignments rc_ra ON rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid
               LEFT JOIN mdl_context rc_ra_ctx ON rc_ra_ctx.id = rc_ra.contextid
      WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%'
        AND (
                  ra.userid = '110092'
              OR (
                              rc_ra.userid = '110092'
                          AND (ctx.path = rc_ra_ctx.path OR ctx.path LIKE CONCAT(rc_ra_ctx.path, '/%'))

      In production, with Moodle 3.11.15+ (Build: 20230623) (2021051715.02), the same SQL resolves after 2 minutes.

      In both cases, it is a MySQL 5.7 database.

      In production, and so in our test environment, we have these numbers:

      mysql> select count(*) number_of_categories from mdl_course_categories;
      | number_of_categories |
      |                  205 |
      1 row in set (0,00 sec)
      mysql> select count(*) number_of_courses from mdl_course;
      | number_of_courses |
      |             21423 |
      1 row in set (0,02 sec)

      I think they are not so huge to explain this poor performance.

            bonczek Lars Bonczek
            jpahullo Jordi Pujol-Ahulló
            Jordi Pujol-Ahulló Jordi Pujol-Ahulló
            Huong Nguyen Huong Nguyen
            Kim Jared Lucas Kim Jared Lucas
            48 Vote for this issue
            47 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 2 hours, 40 minutes
                2h 40m

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