Resolution: Fixed
When sequential navigation is enabled a student must progress through the quiz in order and may not return to previous pages nor skip ahead. This functionality is not offline compatible as it would mean the Web Service should allow the student to download all the questions and that will generate major issues as they'd be able to guess the next questions.
Right now the quiz settings web interface allows a teacher to enable it for offline use even if sequential navigation is forced.
This is currently generating an exception in the app.
The fix is quite simple
1 . In mod/quiz/accessrule/offlineattempts/rule.php: validate_settings_form_fields function ,add an additional check in the existing if
If navmethod === sequential the quiz can't be attempted offline
2 . In mod/quiz/accessrule/offlineattempts/rule.php: add_settings_form_fields() method, add another disableIf for when the quiz/navmethod is set to "sequential"
3. We should also update the in-line help strings to indicate the additional case:
adding something like "or uses sequential navigation"
- has a non-specific relationship to
MOBILE-4383 Prevent downloading for offline quizzes with sequential navigation is enabled
- Closed