Resolution: Fixed
MDL-78753-master -
Team Alpha - Planning I3-2023
This page lists site and course tools, but doesn't factor in the capabilities:
'mod/lti:addmanualinstance' and 'mod/lti:addpreconfiguredinstance' which control the use of the course and site-level tools respectively. If the user doesn't have one or the other of these caps, they shouldn't see either course or site-level tools (as per the existing behaviour in the "Preconfigured tool" select in the External tool add/edit form (see lti_get_lti_types_by_course() method for details).
This issue should just slightly augment the report SQL to address this, based on the current user caps.
And update automated tests.
See my comment below - the above is not the correct behavior and is not what we want to implement in the report page.