We start getting the following lots of behat randoms in our CI server, affecting 3.11 onwards only on Chrome builds on any database (Postgres, MySQL and MSSQL so far).
Link to failed builds
Overriding automatic choice completion for a user
001 Scenario: Overriding automatic choice completion for a user # /var/www/html/mod/choice/tests/behat/activity_info_completion_automatic.feature:46
Then the "View" completion condition of "What to drink?" overridden by "Teacher 1" is displayed as "done" # /var/www/html/mod/choice/tests/behat/activity_info_completion_automatic.feature:54
Css_element matching locator "span[aria-label='Done: View (set by Teacher 1)']" in the "'div[aria-label='Completion requirements for What to drink?']' css_element" not found. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException)
Overriding a manual choice completion for a user to done
001 Scenario: Overriding a manual choice completion for a user to done # /var/www/html/mod/choice/tests/behat/activity_info_completion_manual.feature:54
Then the manual completion button of "What to drink?" overridden by "Teacher 1" is displayed as "Done" # /var/www/html/mod/choice/tests/behat/activity_info_completion_manual.feature:62
Css_element matching locator "button[aria-label='What to drink? is marked by Teacher 1 as done. Press to undo.']" not found. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException)
Overriding a manual choice completion for a user to not done
002 Scenario: Overriding a manual choice completion for a user to not done # /var/www/html/mod/choice/tests/behat/activity_info_completion_manual.feature:67
Then the manual completion button of "What to drink?" overridden by "Teacher 1" is displayed as "Mark as done" # /var/www/html/mod/choice/tests/behat/activity_info_completion_manual.feature:79
Css_element matching locator "button[aria-label='What to drink? is marked by Teacher 1 as not done. Press to mark as done.']" not found. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException)