Resolution: Fixed
MDL-79507_master -
Discovered by michelle@mylearningspace.com.au while testing MDLQA-18172.
Following the testing instructions it fails on step 6 and the following exception is displayed:
Exception - Cannot assign null to property core_question\output\question_version_info::$version of type int
More information about this error
Debug info:
Error code: generalexceptionmessage
Stack trace:
line 62 of /question/classes/output/question_version_info.php: TypeError thrown
line 150 of /question/engine/renderer.php: call to core_question\output\question_version_info->__construct()
line 102 of /question/engine/renderer.php: call to core_question_renderer->info()
line 113 of /question/behaviour/behaviourbase.php: call to core_question_renderer->question()
line 912 of /question/engine/questionattempt.php: call to question_behaviour->render()
line 1299 of /mod/quiz/classes/quiz_attempt.php: call to question_attempt->render()
line 551 of /mod/quiz/classes/output/renderer.php: call to mod_quiz\quiz_attempt->render_question()
line 488 of /mod/quiz/classes/output/renderer.php: call to mod_quiz\output\renderer->attempt_form()
line 144 of /mod/quiz/attempt.php: call to mod_quiz\output\renderer->attempt_page()
- Discovered while testing
MDLQA-18172 CLONE - A teacher can set a quiz question to be dependent on a previous one
- Passed