Resolution: Fixed
The "Regrade-All" button, on the "Grades" page for a Quiz (mod/quiz/report.php) takes a long time to execute if there are many questions and many attempts.
A button to regrade only a particular question, and then update the total marks might execute faster an can be added as a feature.
Here is a proposed UI, as posted in the quiz forum.
The 'Regrade attempts...' button there opens a dialoug like this:
Before this is finused, we need to finalise the help text that will be used for the help icon at the top of the dialogue. The current draft is:
Re-grading questions or attempts re-calculates the atomated grading of those attempts, possibly using the latest or a different version of the question, depending on the quiz setup.
A dry-run lets you see how the grades would change if a full re-grade was done, but does not acutally update the attempts until you commit the changes.