Resolution: Fixed
Future Dev
MDL-80743-main -
Team Alpha - Sprint 1 I2-2024
When configuring an assignment, teachers can define the way additional attempts are given to the students. Currently, teachers can either manually give additional attempts or set to automatically give new attempts until a passing grade is reached. However, there is no provision to allow automatically new attempts regardless of the grade. This is a common use case in higher years of K-12 where multiple submissions are allowed to continuously provide feedback and improve beyond just passing.
Therefore, this issue aims to introduce a new option that would allow new attempts to be given automatically without any requirements.
- Settings page prototype:
https://www.figma.com/proto/Ti8D7EKJ1YgMM8KRQibApY/4.4-Assignment?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=99-716&viewport=-19716%2C5868%2C1&t=6hpHQw1449TYBflA-9&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=99%3A716&show-proto-sidebar=1 - Flow chart of the teacher/student journey using automatically added additional attempts: