Resolution: Duplicate
Loading the index page of a content bank with H5P content located in an external object storage (i.e. S3) sees load times as high as 2 minutes. This is primarily due the way content is retrieved and permissions are checked.
For each item in a content bank, the access permissions are verified using this is_view_allowed() function when the content type is H5P. This function creates an instance of H5P player - introducing a bottleneck when extracting files from the package. Instead of extracting all the files at once, a stream handle for each file is created and saved from to a new file using getStream() and saveFileFromZip respectively.
As these files are stored remotely, network requests are sent to retrieve these streams, causing severe performance issues.
- a more efficient way to verify H5P permissions
- currently all content items are downloaded when visiting the content bank index page
- a more efficient way of extracting files within the zip
- duplicates
MDL-74440 Improve H5P contentype is_view_allowed function
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