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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-81529

Rubric: ability to 'select all'


      Is there any possibility of adding a 'select all' option to a rubric when marking?

      It can be tedious and time-wasting to select each option one by one (when there are many), if you know that a student is competent in everything. A 'select all' button would greatly improve useability and save on frustration when teachers need to mark many students on many competencies.

      For example, when there are only 2 levels (satisfactory, not yet satisfactory), it would be very nice to be able to 'select all' on 'satisfactory'.


      I have had a play with this, and I've been able to add an option (Moodle 4.1) to the rubric form:

      In grade/grading/form/rubric/lib.php, in the get_default_options() function, I added another option:    

           'addselectallbuttons' => 0,

      Then, in rubric/renderer.php, in the rubric_template() function, before the 'return' value, I added:

      if ($options['addselectallbuttons']) {
      $rubrictemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => '{NAME}[selectall]', 'id' => '{NAME}-selectall', 'checked' => 'checked', 'style' => 'display:none;'));

      The text for the option:

      $string['addselectallbuttons'] = 'Add \'select all\' buttons to the grading form';
      $string['addselectallbuttons_help'] = 'If enabled, buttons will be added to the grading form to allow the grader to select the same level for all criterion at once. e.g. All \'Level NYS, 0 points\', for each criterion that has that as an option.';

      I then tinkered with the rubric/js/rubric.js file to add some functionality if you have selected that as an option (see attached file).


      Does anyone see a problem with this approach?

        1. rubric.js
          4 kB
          Rebecca Trynes
        2. selectall_NYSI.jpg
          136 kB
          Rebecca Trynes
        3. selectall_option_helptext.jpg
          115 kB
          Rebecca Trynes

            Unassigned Unassigned
            leelumultipass1 Rebecca Trynes
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