Resolution: Unresolved
Moppies PB candidates
While working on MDL-82102 we identified one task that could be done to improve the way icons are organised.
The pix directory contains the following subdirectories (this information has been extracted from https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Using_images_in_a_theme#Image_locations_within_Moodle ):
a - Icons that are not widely used
c - Calendar-related icons
e - Editor-related icons
f - File icons for different file types |
g - Default user icons and thumbnails
i - General icons
m - Currency symbols
s - Smileys
t - General icons
u - User icons and thumbnails
y - YUI icons
For instance, i/ and t/ are used for "General icons", so unless there is any other place where this is explained better, it's not clear when to use each of them. Inside these folders, there are duplicated icons (for instance, hide), which are the same.
This issue is to analyse whether it makes sense or not to keep different folders for the icons. The output of this issue should be:
- If it's decided to reorganise the icons, a proposal with the new folder/s and a plan to migrate them.
- If it's decided not to reorganise the icons, the devdocs should be improved to, at least, clarify how/when they should be used.